matt21 said:
Just take it with you in cash. $15-$20k comfortable fits into typical dress-jacket pockets.
Well, hello Matt. I’ve read some of your older posts, including the “my final conclusions on CC” post which I’ve been waiting and waiting for an update on. I use your spreadsheet to track myself. I wish you would weigh in on some of the other threads that I’ve started and posted in. Thanks for weighing in on this thread.
At this point, I just simply bring the cash with me. Never before had I realized that 10k in Benjamins was not that thick and could fit inside the pocket of a sports jacket. It looks like one of those high-stakes late night poker game shows when you take out a 10k with a white wrapper on it and throw it on the table. Might as well yell, “I’m all in” for effect.
Is this how the kids from MIT used to do it? Take the many packets of slightly less than 10ks taped to their body and just toss it on the table for buy in?
I just wondered if there were more elegant ways to bring cash to the tables. For example, does anyone convert cash to chips at the cage?
And of course, the ever pressing need to not show ID.