Caesars Raises Betting Limit To $50K


Well-Known Member
LAS VEGAS -- Caesars Palace said it is raising its betting limits to accommodate the biggest gamblers in the world.

Starting Monday, the casino will allow players to bet up to $50,000 per hand at blackjack, and the same amount on line bets at craps.

Harrah's Entertainment, the casino's owner, said the limits are the highest in Las Vegas.

(Dead link:


Well-Known Member

EasyRhino said:
I wonder if their rules will still suck.
Any place that has a $500 minimum double deck game that has worse rules than one $5 double deck game and many many $25-$100 games, can be expected to have bad rules with a high max bet.

As I play throughout the strip I do run into many players who used to play at Caesars and have left since the Evil Empire conquered the Roman Empire. I do not think any of these folks would place a $50,000 bet but a few of them would bet a couple of thousand and were pretty poor blackjack players. You now find them at Wynn, Bellagio, Venetian and a few other places. So I wonder if Caesars actually does have those big players anymore or if this is a way of trying to get the biggest of whales into their trap.



Well-Known Member
I thought backroom whale pits already had 50k and up limits...for baccarat and such? Ill never be a whale so ill never know...anyone?
great new limits

BJ One hand @ 50k or three hands @ 25k

Roulette 3k anyway to a number

50k even money bets

25k two to one bets

Baccarat 15k off the street

With a bankroll of 200k 20k

With a bankroll of 300k 25k

With a bankroll of 500k 30k

With a bankroll of 750k 40k

With a bankroll of 1.0m 60k

Dice 50k any line bets with a maximum of 50k in odds. Still 3,4,5 X odds

Place bets 25k on the 4,5,9, & 10. 30k on the 6 & 8

Field bets 25k

Props 10k any hardways. 5k on hi lo’s or other hard hops & 10k on ace deuce eleven or soft hops.

Still able to get two ways to a number as long as the bet does not exceed 50k excluding odds.

Ex: 25k with 50k odds on point 5. Still able to place for 25k.

10k with 40k odds on point 5. Still able to place for 25k + put an additional 15k on the line bet with 10k more on the odds.

Pai Gow Poker and Pai Gow Tiles 20k per hand


Well-Known Member

My bro heard and old timer chatting about the whale pits a while back. He said he was playing $2-4k baccarat hands and a japanese business man sat with him and played $1 million a hand. He won 6 of 7 hands for a profit of roughly $5 million and then quit. He had a lady with him and she played $25 a hand at a $1k min table....i guess they'll bend the rules if you play high enough stakes :cool2:

He had to have a large credit line if that story was true....maybe he was just blowing smoke up my bros ass to pass the time. :confused:


Well-Known Member
$5000 minimum table

The latest issue of CBJN shows that Caesars Palace has 3 $5000 minimum tables(S17,das,rsa,ls,6d). I dont see how this could possibly be right. if so that is just insane. can anyone confirm?