Calculating win rate


Well-Known Member
I've heard win rates can be as little as less than a unit per hour, or as much as 60% of one's top bet per hour. I know there are a lot of variables that have to go into calculating one's win rate, such as when you play (Wonging in/out), what counts you play, rules of the specific game, just to name a few. Can someone post some information (or a link to it) concerning how to calculate a win rate with all of these variables? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Wonderful calculator, thanks.

Optimal betting? How might this work:

Count <-1 : Wong out
-1<count<1: bet 1 unit
Count >+1: bet 2xCount units (e.g. count =+4: bet 8 units)
Max bet = 12 units


Well-Known Member
As you say, there are many variables. Generally speaking, 2xcount is too slow a ramp. You won't get big bets out quickly enough. However, when you Wong out the optimal ramp is slower.