camouflage betting in single deck

The Stork

Well-Known Member
The most important thing I recently try to improve is acting stupid. Now being 6.3 is a huge disadvantage. No matter how I dress up. I am not fitting the crowed to much. What I do is keeping my bed spread small, and going from 2 to 1 hands playing single deck when the edge is mine. From 2x1 to 1x3 or 4 units.

Another thing is playing 1 hour sessions. that is it! I also keep logs inwhich I rapport shifts, names and and size of heat. Can anything add something to it what would give some positive reasoning.
If the game is being watched, as many SD games are, you won't last forever no matter how you cover. I've been tapped out of most of the places that deal SD at least once, and they seem less bashful about doing it because we are never playing SD at a crowded table.

Probably the most effective thing you can do in SD is find RO7 as opposed to RO6 pen. The difference is profound. Another thing some players do is make a big bet off the top, which cuts into your advantage but creates the illusion that you are not raising your bet.

One thing I've done with moderate success against dealers who shuffle up on big bet increases is force them to shuffle up on low counts by raising my bet dramatically in low counts. If you want, you can pull the big bet back once they start to shuffle- I've never actually done this second part myself but I think I'll try it next time I'm getting shuffled up, should be fun.


Well-Known Member
One thing I did at a single deck game was to never bet the same amount twice.

I'd use white chips and one hand bet $6, then $5, then $7..

it didn't look at suspicious when the bigger bets came out.


Well-Known Member
I would think that spreading to two hands only in positive counts would be a big giveaway. After I win a big bet at the end of a shoe, I'll spread to two hands at the beginning of the next shoe rather than leave my big bet out there on one spot.

If you're playing in a place that deals SD from a shoe and uses a cut card, then you should read up on Grifter's Gambit.

But you're right about it being difficult to disguise that you're playing a system when playing single deck. More input from our more experienced friends is needed here. :)


El Cortez, and the 'art' of 1D play...
Posted by zengrifter on 22-Oct-2002 15:16:36 (#147)

Speaking of the El Cortez, the following communique between a well known counter and I emphasized a combination of tactics that I have succesfully used for MANY hours of EC 1D play - the "xxxx casino" referred to in the communique IS the EC and I regulary play to win/lose $1000+ there - I have previously stated that IF you can play green at EC you can play black anywhere. zg

The 'ART' of 1D PLAY...
bbbb wrote:
Mr. Grifter Hows things been going. I keep wondering when Barfakel is gonna have another Ratpack dinner...but in the meantime I'm planning a trip to [LV] right now for early May and have never played at your xxxx hangout. If my usual max bet is $200 bucks what approach would you suggest that I use for playing thatgame (or is that too rich for playing there a first time?)
Hey bbbb!

You CAN pull it off, and its a good test for anyone's act-strategy. Here's some suggestions -

1. Days and grave have the best pene, whereas swing is crowded and shorter pen regardless. Start with early day shift - arrive near the end of grave looking grubby and 'up all nite.' Start small with greens 1-4 posi-progresion (non-count-related) with an occasional 100 bill 'money plays' (count-related) - order drinks, Malibu rocks is good because it looks hard but it isn't.

2. 15-30 minutes of progression play as the shift changes will get you into position - move tables a couple of times, demonstrating that you want to be left alone -

3. (Grifter's Gambit) Heads up'' compulsively' throw out 3 hands of $50 off the top, if the count tanks south bet the 3x $50 again and again oblivious to the neg-count. If the count goes posi, bet 1x $125, win bet $150, etc., lose bet $200 'steaming.'

4. (Sklanksy's Gambit) Bet $150 off the top, win bet $150 again regardless if count tanks, and again, etc. Lose and count tanks bet $50, win bet $75, then $100, etc.

5. (Opposition Gambit) Bet $75 off the top and count soars bet $100, count tumbles (still posi) bet $200.

6. Ask for a $25 min game (you may or may not be granted) - Alternate between 3-4-5 above. (3 is strongest)

7. IMPORTANT - Make some incorrect plays - mostly stand on A7 v T/A, stand 16v T in neg count, split TTv 7 (neg count, small bet), etc.

8. IMPORTANT - Place an occasional $25 RMatch bet - xxxx has the better 3-10 payoff so you wont lose much by it - and if the 1st round or two passes without a particular suit showing up the RM is probably a posi-expectation.

9. You will feel that the PCs are sweating the action at first - they are NOT (they are sweating the dealers) - they watch the dealers very carefully because they are mostly break-ins - if the dealer makes an error that hurts you, pretend not to notice until the PC fixes it, then thank the PC. On days the main boss is wwww (bald, very sharp and likable), #2 guy is cccc. Once you're in with wwww on days you are in on grave too.

10. Lastly, when you are down to your last round or two you can "force" the shuffle by spreading again to 3hands.

Have fun with this and you can get a pretty wide spread with 66%-85% pene. xxxx typically gives the boot to $5 counters within 15 min, whereas you can play as described above for hours (best to limited your play to 2 hr with a meal break in the middle). Return in 24-48 hours on mid-grave and repeat performance ending shortly AFTER shift change into days. Use sparingly.

I will be in in early May as well, let me know dates and maybe we can hook up.

Regards, ZG
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Well-Known Member
just got back from vegas about 1 hour ago. played roughly 8 hours of sd and dd. i'm still waiting for my first backoff and on this particular trip was getting a little heat at three of my favorite low roller paradises.

for SD i've adopted a fairly run of the mill bet spread that has given me some longevity.. i start off at a 2 unit bet, and ramp uo to a 5-6 unit. i'll continue to play 2 units through neutral counts, negative counts results in a drop to 1 unit. my bets were jumping around wildly throughout my trip. i would even pull back on pushes if the count tanked on the hand. if i left a big bet out and didn't realize the shuffle was coming, i even figured out how to pull those bets back and go to 2 units. If i had a bigger bankroll i could have gotten away with more, but i'm still building it....

one trick for me is to give the appearance that my bet is a function of the various chip stack heights.

i played a lot of heads up RO6, got in some RO7 and one or two rounds of RO8. with 2 people at the table RO6 was par, with three people we were getting RO9 (three rounds).

at one of my favorite all time places - where i still forgot to use the bathroom, i had one of the most rookie dealers of all time - weak weak protection, busting their own hands of soft 19! and worse.... i can't wait to go back. they even invite me back when i'm on my way out the door there.... i love it.


Well-Known Member
Talking about specific ways to beat a specific game at a specific casino might be a little much for a public board...

The Stork

Well-Known Member
El Cortez

This joint does not allow you to bet more than 2 hands anymore. What kind of adaptations should be used using grifter method?



The Stork said:
This joint does not allow you to bet more than 2 hands anymore. What kind of adaptations should be used using grifter method?
The way you said - bet two hands in negEV:

= 10-10 to 50 = 1-2.5 spread

BUT ONLY if they are dealing deep. Otherwise the 2D game there is reputedly better. zg

The Stork

Well-Known Member
Proposition betting!

A few questions about proposition betting in DD.

First of all Zen method is great. I just wonder Zen, maybe this is a language barrier question what you ment by the following DD method playing from 2 hands x 1 unit in negative counts to 1 hand of 3-5-7 units.

My confusion is in using the words modest and moderate. You stated as follows:

negative and neutral deck.. 3 hands of 1
...> neutral is according to me between -1/2 procent and + 1/2 procent!
Please conform!

Modust plus counts...> 3 units 1 hand...> Moderate plus counts...> 5 units 1 hand
Higher plus counts..> Greater than 2 percent advantage?

To wich TC are you suggesting when using the modest and moderate plus counts?

In 6 decks would like to use a stupid progression in neutral counts.
according to what Ralph stricker suggest to do. (In Blackjack belt described)

Neutral counts progression type.
Spreading in 6 decks 1-10
For me -.5 and +.5 is a neutral count

All negative counts...>1 red
Neutral counts...>1 red/1 quarter
Followed by 1 red/2 quarter.

Thanks for the help..

The Stork


The Stork said:
My confusion is in using the words modest and moderate. You stated as follows:

negative and neutral deck.. 3 hands of 1
...> neutral is according to me between -1/2 procent and + 1/2 procent!
Please conform!

Modust plus counts...> 3 units 1 hand...> Moderate plus counts...> 5 units 1 hand
Higher plus counts..> Greater than 2 percent advantage?

To wich TC are you suggesting when using the modest and moderate plus counts?

In 6 decks would like to use a stupid progression in neutral counts.
according to what Ralph stricker suggest to do. (In Blackjack belt described)

Neutral counts progression type.
Spreading in 6 decks 1-10
For me -.5 and +.5 is a neutral count

All negative counts...>1 red
Neutral counts...>1 red/1 quarter
Followed by 1 red/2 quarter.
Someone help Stork with some bet tuning here, and lets make sure his BR is big enough for this type of betting.

Forget this Stricker method - no good for most 6D and 2D. zg