Can a dealer play blackjack in a casino they work at?


Well-Known Member
Just curious about this, and don't recall ever seeing it discussed.

I was discussing a possible part-time job with my wife and she asked why didn't I deal blackjack on the weekends or something. I'm sure I'd be good at it, but wouldn't bother if I could never play in the place again.

Not that I'm giving it more than a passing thought right now, but I thought I'd throw the question out there. :)


Staff member
I'm not aware of any casinos that will allow employees to play table games, though some do allow employee machine play.


Well-Known Member
It depends

Some casinos allow their dealers to play table games as long as they are not on the clock. It varies from one casino to the next, and the laws may vary from state to state.

Most casinos will allow their employees to play slots/video poker or poker. In fact, some casinos actually pay people to play poker just to get a game started or to keep a game going.
Kaiser said:
Just curious about this, and don't recall ever seeing it discussed.

I was discussing a possible part-time job with my wife and she asked why didn't I deal blackjack on the weekends or something. I'm sure I'd be good at it, but wouldn't bother if I could never play in the place again.

Not that I'm giving it more than a passing thought right now, but I thought I'd throw the question out there. :)
i have yet to even hear about a casino where an employee is allowed to bet on any game in their casino, but there is something i found out the other day that i didnt really think about; the people who work in the restaurants are not employees of the casino, and are allowed to gamble there


Well-Known Member
some Indian casinos

SilentBob420BMFJ said:
i have yet to even hear about a casino where an employee is allowed to bet on any game in their casino, but there is something i found out the other day that i didnt really think about; the people who work in the restaurants are not employees of the casino, and are allowed to gamble there
At some Indian casinos, I have seen slot techs playing table games and dealers playing slots, but they are not allowed to play games they work on.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
At some Indian casinos, I have seen slot techs playing table games and dealers playing slots, but they are not allowed to play games they work on.

I'm sure it varies, but a woman working in the deli at an Indian place near me said she's not allowed to play anything at any of their casinos.


Well-Known Member
A dealer at one of my frequents (middle of know where in the midwest) said at this particular indian casino, table play is allowed on a designated day/time during the week for employees. It was tuesday or wednesday only or something, probably the least busy time for customers. Im just guessing they allow more flexibiliy because of their location...i.e. theres nothing else to do but farm. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
at a S.Cal indian casino BJ dealers can not play any table game.

poker does not count as a table game, nor do slots.

so my two dealer friends and I have played elsewhere together.


Well-Known Member
Dealers playing where they work!

Blackjack dealers are usually not allowed to play at the place that they work. Personally I think it would be really ambarsing to get backed off from your own club if you are an a.p. If you are poker dealer you are allowed to play poker at your own club when you get off work.


Well-Known Member
majority of casinos

Do not allow employees to gamble where they work for 3 reasons . One is they do not want their employees to pick up bad habits . Two they do not want an employee to lose and get loud and put the casino in a bad light . Three is there are gaming commission laws that state if you can play and what they can play and are strictly enforced.:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
It varies

I know of one casino in which any employee can play any game with two exceptions. Management is completely excluded. Dealer's may not play table games.



Well-Known Member
I play at an Indian casino in the south where their dealers are allowed to play BJ and other table games.