can someone tell me about the Avi Casino??


New Member
its in laughlin, but its not near all the casinos they have. it is indian owned too... i was just looking for some insight to their games and rules, and also their tolerance... thanks people


Well-Known Member
Its about 10 miles out of town.Indian owned. Was there once and left almost immediately.Thats all I can say.


Well-Known Member
Laughlin action

I went to the Avi recently. It was a senic little drive. Emphasis on senic and little. We rented a car for other sight seeing purposes and ended up taking a detour to check it out. It turned out to be JUST another little casino. Nothing special. The games were average and below. If you are in Laughlin, stay in Laughlin. The best games are not worth leaving for this dive. If I have insulted anyone elses opinion, I appologize. If you just want to kill time and see more stuff fine. But don't go for the games.


Well-Known Member
like it. its small and quiet.

Play at night between 10pm and 7 am. dealers are friendly. pen might be adjusted with minimal tipping.

night pit boss, shorter guy in his 60's is very nice, he likes a good joke. dont wear out your welcome with him.

lower stakes, dont try to burn the house down.

they do $40 for 50 in promo chips.

after thinking about the post, i have another thought. the avi is to laughlin what laughlin is to vegas.
at times, I yearn to be in vegas, but when I'm really in vegas it doesnt seem to deliver the excitment I originally seek.
on the other hand laughlin is so spread out, there is no walking around, ya gotta drive.

the avi is a great place for me to stay, then motor to vegas (through searchlight) for a day trip.