Meistro's answer, above, is correct in all respects. I'll try to answer your specific questions.
"I haven't, sounds like it's getting ordered today."
Get it from LVA. Just $17.95.
"I realized I'm using TR somewhat incorrectly. I'm calling my trip roll what I bring to the casino so I don't tap out and can always afford to put more money on the table when called for."
OK. Not very important, though. Just always have enough to play properly.
"I will Sim first the overbets in my normal parameters.
"Next, for full Kelly, should I just be looking at expected hourly return?"
Yes. Similar to SCORE, if other parameters fall in line.
"I'm curious if 10 people played full Kelly what the results would be."
For how long? Forever? One or two would probably go broke. The rest would win gobs of money. But the results would be more certain if you stipulated a million people instead of just 10. With 10, surely more could go broke without its being a surprise.
"Once the results were averaged, would you expect to see the same hourly return on average per person?"
Yes, subject to my above caveat. Surer with a million than with 10.
"I'm looking for a way to dramatically increase EV. Obviously RoR goes up, but is there added value in changing from the traditional approach?"
No one can answer that for you. You overbet, you increase your chances of losing all of your bankroll. Only you can decide if you're willing to live with the extra risk. You might get lucky and win a lot right away. Or not. You might lose all of your bank. But, I sense that "losing all of your bank" doesn't mean to you "losing all the money in the world that you have to play blackjack." So, if your first bank and subsequent ones are always going to be replenishable, then ROR for one bank doesn't really mean very much.
"Ie: can I play full Kelly and if I tap out, start over? and continue to do so for life?"
See above. If you can "tap out" and then just start over with no consequences -- that is to say, the money for playing never dries up -- then you should just consider calling your blackjack bankroll a much higher number and play accordingly.
"Biggest question, does playing full Kelly in this style vs a 2% ror add any benefit in the long term? What about if I hope to stop playing sooner than later and just want to stack up the highest $/hr rate (without extreme ror)."
There's just not one answer to such a question. Your problem is that you really aren't at all sure what your true blackjack-playing bankroll is, and you aren't defining it properly.