Card Counter Catcher


Well-Known Member
What do you when when you have a CCC right behind you? Thought they didn't use them anymore. I guess I got proved wrong recently.
avs21 said:
What do you when when you have a CCC right behind you? Thought they didn't use them anymore. I guess I got proved wrong recently.
If I think I'm being hawked by a plainclothesman I start talking to him, invite him to come sit down, tell him jokes etc. He might just be a backcounter too.

Not that they need to do that- catching counters is best done from the sky. If they send a plainclothesman to you they might be looking for cheat, as certain very fast sleights might not show up well on the cam.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
If I think I'm being hawked by a plainclothesman I start talking to him, invite him to come sit down, tell him jokes etc. He might just be a backcounter too.

Not that they need to do that- catching counters is best done from the sky. If they send a plainclothesman to you they might be looking for cheat, as certain very fast sleights might not show up well on the cam.
This was SD no mid deck entry. I was losing at the time, so I don't think they would check for cheating when someone is losing. He even stated he did CC at the table out loud. When someone usually says that out loud at table they are BS. This guy could actually count I found out. He made a couple other comments that really stuck out.


Well-Known Member
Strange conversations

I have had similar experiences more than once. Most recently, I finished a short session of blackjack with a 5 digit win and after cashing out I decided to play a hundred in a VP machine. This lady sits down 2 machines away, not putting a cent into the machine but looking at the rules screens, and starts a conversation. It was like, hello are you are moron or something? She asks me I only play machines and I honestly tell her I mostly play blackjack. And then she goes, "Oh do you count?" She talks about Revere and Thorpe, and I tell her I never heard of them and of course tell her you can not count a six deck shoe unless you are Rainman. Then she gives me a, "you really don't count?"
Two days later I return to the same casino during a different shift and again win at the tables (much smaller amount this time) and repeat myself after cashing out by going to the same VP bank. A few minutes later, she shows up, says hi and asks me if I played blackjack today. Lied to her and told her I got my butt kicked and she really confused me by telling me that is why I should learn to count. I did return the next day but reversed myself by playing VP first and did not see her that day.

Today, the guy who comes up behind you at the table is not that common. Some casinos have a pit character that I call the giver of the evil eye. He will tend to stand 5-10 feet from you and give you his death stare as the cards are dealt and you make you plays. Often these guys are simply looking for your reaction and are the givers of extreme heat. I engaged one of these characters in a 3 shoe long conversation while keeping the count perfectly. The first two shoes ran fairly even between TC+2 to -2, but the third shoe went down big, I cut the conversation with the mention of a lunch date and must have convinced him that I had just been lucky earlier or had stopped counting because of his presence. After that time, this guy did remember me whenever I returned, we would talk continuously (we do share some interests) and I would bet with the count. I could only guess that he did not count himself, could not really recognize a decent counter, but he would intimidate and if you reacted as someone with guilt he would back you off.

Anyway, often you can not be sure of things. Those are times that your knowledge of how a certain casino does things are important but if you do not know much about that, your instincts should rule. Just might have been time to meet your lunch date.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
I have had similar experiences more than once. Most recently, I finished a short session of blackjack with a 5 digit win and after cashing out I decided to play a hundred in a VP machine. This lady sits down 2 machines away, not putting a cent into the machine but looking at the rules screens, and starts a conversation. It was like, hello are you are moron or something? She asks me I only play machines and I honestly tell her I mostly play blackjack. And then she goes, "Oh do you count?" She talks about Revere and Thorpe, and I tell her I never heard of them and of course tell her you can not count a six deck shoe unless you are Rainman. Then she gives me a, "you really don't count?"
Two days later I return to the same casino during a different shift and again win at the tables (much smaller amount this time) and repeat myself after cashing out by going to the same VP bank. A few minutes later, she shows up, says hi and asks me if I played blackjack today. Lied to her and told her I got my butt kicked and she really confused me by telling me that is why I should learn to count. I did return the next day but reversed myself by playing VP first and did not see her that day.

Today, the guy who comes up behind you at the table is not that common. Some casinos have a pit character that I call the giver of the evil eye. He will tend to stand 5-10 feet from you and give you his death stare as the cards are dealt and you make you plays. Often these guys are simply looking for your reaction and are the givers of extreme heat. I engaged one of these characters in a 3 shoe long conversation while keeping the count perfectly. The first two shoes ran fairly even between TC+2 to -2, but the third shoe went down big, I cut the conversation with the mention of a lunch date and must have convinced him that I had just been lucky earlier or had stopped counting because of his presence. After that time, this guy did remember me whenever I returned, we would talk continuously (we do share some interests) and I would bet with the count. I could only guess that he did not count himself, could not really recognize a decent counter, but he would intimidate and if you reacted as someone with guilt he would back you off.

Anyway, often you can not be sure of things. Those are times that your knowledge of how a certain casino does things are important but if you do not know much about that, your instincts should rule. Just might have been time to meet your lunch date.

He also asked me if I was CC.. I would have to be an idiot to say that especially while playing at the table. He never ended up playing BJ. That is really wierd that lady played right next to you two different times and asking those questions at the same time. I acted like a good customer not knowing what to do. I asked him some questions when it called for changing from BS he got it right.
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Well-Known Member
avs21 said:
He also asked me if I was CC.. I would have to be an idiot to say that especially while playing at the table. He never ended up playing BJ. That is really wierd that lady played right next to you two different times and asking those questions at the same time. I acted like a good customer not knowing what to do. I asked him some questions when it called for changing from BS he got it right.
It was probably just someone who suspected you of card counting, it's not that big of a deal. If someone asks me if I am counting I always laugh and say no, just to be safe though.


Well-Known Member
ScottH said:
It was probably just someone who suspected you of card counting, it's not that big of a deal. If someone asks me if I am counting I always laugh and say no, just to be safe though.
it always make me nervous as hell when players at the table start talking about card counting and card counters. i just sit there and try and look dumb (not hard for me :joker: ).
hmm mayber a good response if some one asked you if you are counting cards would be to look at them real serious and then say Isn't that against the law? or something like that ;)

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
it always make me nervous as hell when players at the table start talking about card counting and card counters. i just sit there and try and look dumb (not hard for me :joker: ).
hmm mayber a good response if some one asked you if you are counting cards would be to look at them real serious and then say Isn't that against the law? or something like that ;)

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
I have had people think that. This was a different situation


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
it always make me nervous as hell when players at the table start talking about card counting and card counters. i just sit there and try and look dumb (not hard for me :joker: ).
hmm mayber a good response if some one asked you if you are counting cards would be to look at them real serious and then say Isn't that against the law? or something like that ;)

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
I have had people think that. This was a different situation
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