card counting question


Well-Known Member
I went to the site -last resort consulting 2 days ago and have practiced maybe 3 hours on their site doing a simple pklus/ minus count system .It seems that I can not get it perfectly under 37 seconds . I read here once that you should be able to do it in less then 30 seconds . Is that true ? If so perhaps I should find a pinochle site or gin rummy or checkers site - lol . How long in hours does it generally take a novice to get it down perfect and to less then 30 seconds ? Thanks for any and all answers !!!!!:) :grin: ;)


Well-Known Member
I think the speed requirement is sometimes a little overstated. If you can keep up in the casino at a single table you can play. That is not really that hard.

Now if you want to wong in and count down two tables at once, yeah you need to be ultrafast. I may strive for that one day but right now I'm not.


Well-Known Member
ty knox

and no I will not be wonging in the near future and definitely NOT backcounting 2 tables at once . I am more of a lucky recreational player that plays BS only now . A group of us go to a local indian casino once a week as we are all retired and sold our businesses so this is fun time . MY BR is 10 k for the day - I play the green tables and 2 hands and high limit slots . I am just trying to maybe get a little more edge . TY for your comments and they are received well .:) :grin: ;)


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
I read here once that you should be able to do it in less then 30 seconds .
Like Knox said, if ur sitting at a table u control the speed, since the dealer can't deal to u until u give a hand signal.

And, way, way, way more important than speed, is to know how much to bet when.

U could count a deck in 1 second, but, without knowing how much to bet when, u got less than nothing.


Well-Known Member
ty Kasi

now that I have basic strategy down and am on my way to being a reasonable counter where do I pick up the betting information . I agree with you totaklly about the speed and the betting and money management are the most important things . TY in advance for any info on when to bet you can give me .I play only 8 deck shoes at indian casinos mostly , and the rules are das17, decent penetration , double on anything anytime , and no surrender and not a CSM . I play the green minimum tables .:) :grin: ;)


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
now that I have basic strategy down and am on my way to being a reasonable counter where do I pick up the betting information .
The betting advice usually comes in the same book as the system you are using, although Blackjack Attack teaches the basics of bankroll management for any system.



Well-Known Member

I am using the simple plus or minus system that you told me would be good to practice on at last resort consulting . They have a game there that deals 46 cards and then you enter the count and the machine tells you how you did .:) :grin: ;)


Well-Known Member
Read through the sticky thread on the Card Counting forum called “Free Counting Resources On Web.” The articles by The Gamemaster and Henry Tamburin should keep you busy. The betting info for HiLo is in Wong’s Professional Blackjack, but Schlesinger’s Blackjack Attack covers the general theory of optimal betting pretty well.



Well-Known Member
ty sonny

as always you come back with a good answer and info . Where is the links to the betting again ? TY in advance :) :grin: ;)