cashiers checks


do Vegas casinos charge any fees for cashing a cashier's check? If I cash a check for $1000 will I get $1000?


Well-Known Member
Some casinos will not accept a Cashier's check as it's considered a 3rd party check as strange as it sounds. Check with the "Cage" of the casino you're going to visit prior to your trip.


Well-Known Member
Rats said:
do Vegas casinos charge any fees for cashing a cashier's check? If I cash a check for $1000 will I get $1000?
I've had no problems using Traveler's checks. A long time ago anyway.


Well-Known Member
Travelers checks work most places. Cashier's checks are potential fraud item, so I would also be way of using them. Calling ahead is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Travelers checks work most places.
I agree with you ER...the way to go. Almost any casino will cash the VISA ones, and they are insured.

good luck


ok... so if I bring a travelers check do casinos on the strip charge any sort of fee to cash it?


Well-Known Member
Rats said:
ok... so if I bring a travelers check do casinos on the strip charge any sort of fee to cash it?
Nope...not at least the ones I have cashed them in. You just need proper ID and they turn them into cold, hard cash. Not that I ever had any difficulties with the American Express cheques, but the Visa ones probably work in more places (other than casinos). AAA uses Visa now for their cheques, so that's usually how I roll.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Get the AMEX gold card or higher and you can order large $ traveler's checks via phone and debited from your checking account.


Well-Known Member
Tom007 said:
Why not just use the ATM?
It could depend how much you are looking to withdraw. I go with travelers cheques, but I do get them for free afterall.

good luck