Increasing house edge, increasing house profits
It's interesting to read an article that points out and mirrors what has been talked about on here for quite some time, casinos changing rules to increase the house edge and thereby figuring this will increase overall profitability and having it backfire in their faces when it turns away customers and causes them to lose even MORE MONEY instead. They are just now figuring this out? Marketing genious I tell you!!!!
A huge chain sells "widgets" and is making a good buck with a nice cash flow in the "widgit" business for many years. A marketing genious decides to jack the price of "widgits" up considerably to appease the greed of the stockholders and board of directors and hopes that this will get him noticed, promoted and look like a hero, especially since the economy is slipping a bit and profits are down. He is going to make that all up in a HURRY! (Are you reading this, Gary Loveman, you douchebag you? Hang with me a bit longer here, Gary... I am trying to keep this simple so even the feeble-minded can understand it.)
Unfortunately, it has the opposite effect. "Widgit" sales by volume go down considerably and drastically more than ANY price increase can compensate for. "Widgits" have now become unaffordable for many and those who can afford them are so appalled over the price increase that they threw away most of their "widgit" collection and flat out refuse to buy any more. One disgruntled former "widgit" customer even goes so far as to say, "What the f*ck do I need a stupid "widgit" for ANYWAY?!? I think I am going to spend that money on a nice golfing trip instead!"
Plenty of "widgit" customers that would have continued to buy "widgits" would have caused the declining "widgit" profits to level off at a given point but now a snowball effect is occurring and profits plummet much worse than they would have without the price increase, due to the loss of volume of business. Previously devoted "widgit" customers are now really and truly pissed off at the "widgit" manufacturers and feel the "widgit" manufacturers are only out to screw them for all they can.
To make matters worse, the biggest and boldest "widgit" manufacturer that raised the price of "widgits" finds out that someone is opening up a "WidgitMart" in a neighboring State and will be in direct competition for what remains of the already sparse "widgit" market.
I am hoping that any of you out there thinking of opening up "WidgitMart" learn something here...