Casino posts lower earnings


Well-Known Member
for the last quarter due to a BIG drop in the table take at the sands I believe . Ok who in the room is jamming them up ??? I know it has to be someone in here - lol. It was not me for sure !!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
for the last quarter due to a BIG drop in the table take at the sands I believe . Ok who in the room is jamming them up ??? I know it has to be someone in here - lol. It was not me for sure !!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool2:
What "casino" or casino group are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
hey chef

It was a blurb on CNBC yesterday by David Faber that the sands reported lower earnings for the quarter due to the table games take was way down . He did not go into further details and I am not sure if it was even the sands as I was doing something else and caught most of it but NOT all of it . Think a team was out there raiding the coffers :) :grin: ;) :cool2: of the casinos ?


Well-Known Member
Getting Thier bones picked cleaned

I bet this becomes a growing trend for the casinos. I would think anyway. Seriously though, if the rules are tough for us, they have to be disastorous for the average player. In return, the regular players are probably getting sick of losing. Maybe this news, is more good than bad. I would think the casinos will have to start getting more liberal and competitive with their games.


Well-Known Member
My view on it

bet this becomes a growing trend for the casinos. I would think anyway. Seriously though, if the rules are tough for us, they have to be disastorous for the average player. In return, the regular players are probably getting sick of losing. Maybe this news is more good than bad. I would think the casinos will have to start getting more liberal and competitive with their games.
As more and more states are opening up people have a greater choice to choose from . People will generally go to the closest casino for 2 main reasons . First is time it takes to get there . Second is the price of gas . Gas is well over $3.10 a gallon here yesterday and this will definitly hit the recreational player . Interesting observation on competiveness as well . The casinos maybe , just maybe . are realizing that their clampdown on comps , RFB, and other goodies is catching up with them . You can NOT treat people like crap and expect them to come back . If you are trying to separate them from their wallet you need to throw a bone if not a filet so they go away with a good feeling . Personally I prefer to pay for everything myself but since I have like $4,000.00 in comp money I try and get rid of that first . You know the casinos are down to the bottom of the barrel when you see people in there trying to win a mortgage or car payment . That is pathetic but hey the casinos have stockholders to answer to and i am sure the stockholders could care less as well . Liquor , cigarette , food costs are going up weekly as well it seems and this does dent the bottom line - although only marginally cause they overcharge for everything anyhow . A bottle of Dom Perignon is $59.75 here in the liquor store and at the casino it is like $175.00 - wtf !!!!! So the casinos will have to compromise on comps to ploppies for sure to get them to return but then again they will run out of money before most cause tthey have no chance of winning. Main reason is they have short bankrolls with no backup . Unless you consider a credit card a backup - which I would never consider using . Bring what you can afford to lose comfortably and if you win great and if you lose you will not have to curtail your standard of living and will still enjoy lobster and a 160z filet at the country club . Short money in any game never wins - that should be the first rule of any gambler and or businessman ! I do not see that discussed much here though .:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
The average player doesn't know what the rules are,let alone what they used to be.
If the report was about the Sands,it may well be the drop in table games was because of increased compitition in Macau,not anything to do with players not playing because of comps.
Harrahs,MGM and Wynn are all having great years,with stock prices booming. Wynn 's has almost doubled.


Well-Known Member
Very true Shad

and as the stocks boom there has got be a sale on them sooner or later as they are trading many times earnings recently and if they dio NOT report blockbuster earnings in a quarter they will be punished unmercifully by the markets .:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
The average player doesn't know what the rules are,let alone what they used to be.
If the report was about the Sands,it may well be the drop in table games was because of increased compitition in Macau,not anything to do with players not playing because of comps.
Harrahs,MGM and Wynn are all having great years,with stock prices booming. Wynn 's has almost doubled.
I agree that the average player doesn't have a clue as to what the rules are or used to be, but I hope just the same that they "hear" that the tables at such and such a casino are beatable, whereas at another casino they are unbeatable. I do think that what the APs observe and talk about somehow filters down to the rank and file ploppies. They will tell you that games aren't what they used to be, but they couldn't tell you specifically why in a thousand years. It doesn't hurt that we spread the word. I am always telling non-AP players where the best games are and to avoid such games as 6 to 5 single deck. Eventually I hope the word gets around, pressuring casinos to straighten up and fly right. I think it is good for APs that ploppies frequent "good" games and keep the casino revenues up on those tables. It sends the right message to management.


Well-Known Member
i wonder what the next 6-12 months holds for vegas. I think a mild recession is at foot or at least wage growth not competing with fuel and food increases. When slot play goes down, the party is over :laugh:

Good to see shitty games are getting less payback for the casinos :cool2:


Well-Known Member
You guys all have negative predictions for Vegas, but remember the dollar is tanking worldwide which should increase domestic tourism.


Well-Known Member
the problem with economic predictions is that they assume energy is a constant, not a variable (of any meaningful effect).

There are a few things to be aware of. the world is using more oil than its producing the tune of 400-700k barrels a day. This means that a) there is no more production capacity, or b) those who have it dont want to release it. If the case is b)...which saudi arabia claims to have, they control the world economy at the root. In any case, a) will eventually overtake b) in any supply/demand model where demand is ever increasing.
Another thing is that China has now become a coal importer. Coal for god sake, the most abundant fossil fuel on earth, and they are using more than they can mine. They are going to be the 2nd largest economy in the world very soon. Japan will be 3. The top 3 economies in the world will all be net importers of their energy sources.....that seems to be the opposite of a "constant" in the the economic prediction my view at least.

roll them bones :laugh: