I live near a casino where what seems to be one of their most important procedures is that if a table goes dead during a shoe, that shoe shall never be spread and shuffled for a new player. It has nothing to do with shuffle time since they use all ASM's.
I have explained to shift managers that the table appears to have a "bad shoe"
, and that players will not play. I go on to say that if they would shuffle up, I would play and am willing to bet that shortly at least one but probably more players will join in. One night I witnessed one of these tables dead for two hours, went and had dinner and came back and the table was still dead (discards looked the same) and left an hour later with that table still dead. That was almost 5 hours in a shop that was fairly busy. The reaction of these minor managers to my observations is something akin to their thinking that I am suggesting some kind of major scam on them, so I have not mentioned this for many months, but it still amazes me.