Casino Protocol Question


New Member
OK, so I'm writing a statistical blackjack analyzer, and I need some information about shuffling protocol's in casinos. Say a casino has a six deck blackjack game running, how does the dealer handle the six decks? do they all get shuffled together? when does the dealer reshuffle? I need as much detail as possible, since this will have a big impact on the statistics I gather.


Staff member
Without actually visiting a casino and playing the game, I can assure you that you will make mistakes in your assumptions. Even a small amount of time scouting will eliminate many potential errors. Just go do it.


Well-Known Member
Cod3Monk3yTrn3 said:
OK, so I'm writing a statistical blackjack analyzer, and I need some information about shuffling protocol's in casinos. Say a casino has a six deck blackjack game running, how does the dealer handle the six decks? do they all get shuffled together? when does the dealer reshuffle? I need as much detail as possible, since this will have a big impact on the statistics I gather.
Unless you're intending to analyze shuffle tracking and similar techniques, a good random shuffle will give you perfectly accurate simulation results. So don't worry about it. Lots of good shuffle algorithms are online.

If you are intending to analyze these advanced techniques, you need to scout your games yourself, and study the specific shuffles carefully. But from your question I'm almost positive a simple random shuffle is perfecly adequate for everything you're wanting to analyze.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I would think random would suffice for most analyses. Having (already) watched too many shuffles in my young career, I do notice some peculiarities in the way cards are riffled together, but I don't think they would matter, unless one were trying to simulate techniques that exploit these peculiarities.