Casino software evaluating skill


Well-Known Member
CBJN indicates a number of casinos use software to evaluate a player's skill.
1.Is that in use for all players at all times in those places or is it activated through the eye in the sky or other mechansim in response to a request from the pit?
2.Is it any more or less sensitive to skill than direct observation by the PB or eye?
3.I note that modest camo can easily look like a good BS player on a good run with a positive count or holding steady during neutral and negative counts. Do those places even care about that or would they be inclined to remove the lucky player because his play roughly parallels a counter using camo?


Well-Known Member
Diver said:
1.Is that in use for all players at all times in those places or is it activated through the eye in the sky or other mechansim in response to a request from the pit?
The software is activated by a surveillance technician, usually only after a request from the pit.

Diver said:
2.Is it any more or less sensitive to skill than direct observation by the PB or eye?
It is MUCH less effective than direct observation. It is very easy to fool a smart computer program. It is very difficult to fool a smart employee. In most cases you are up against the idea situation: A "smart" computer program run by a dumb employee.

Diver said:
3.I note that modest camo can easily look like a good BS player on a good run with a positive count or holding steady during neutral and negative counts. Do those places even care about that or would they be inclined to remove the lucky player because his play roughly parallels a counter using camo?
You're almost always safe until they confirm that you are an AP. The rare exceptions are some of the burn joints listed in CBJN.
