Casino Verite


Well-Known Member

Ive just started using CV, i think its brilliant!!!
I have a question about the basic strategey practice flashcards, when i open the flashcard training up, i select the strategy i created, its the red 7 strategy with 6 indices, for the casino a play in there is only the double down option on 9,10,11, and i have set the playing strategy to reflect this.
but when i come to use the flashcard drill, when ever a soft 16,17 etc verus a 5 etc, it throws up an alarm saying i have to double down, how can i change this??? i have checked my chosen strategy and it is definetly set to only doublling on 9,10,11.

please help, the booklet doesnt really touch on this subject,or not that i can notice.

any help would be brilliant, cheers


Well-Known Member
The game (which I consider a drill itself) will follow all such rule settings. However, the Flash Card drills will not. This is done purposely. The point of the drills is to drive home the best plays for the best set of rules as you are likely to play in casinos with differing rules.

However, you can force a change if you wish. Create a user strategy based on the Red7 strategy and eliminate the soft doubles. Select this as your strategy and the drills will not call for soft doubles.