Casino Windsor Rules


Well-Known Member
It's been a few years since I've been there. At the time 8 decks, DOA, DAS, S17, No Surrender and I can't remember the penetration.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
Hmm 8 decks isnt fantastic but since Ive playing CSMs, it cant be any worse.
Dyepaint please don't play against CSM's even if its all your local casino has. You are better off just giving your money to charity. If everyone stoped playing against those machines they wouldn't exist. I know you are just one guy and the tables are probably packed anyway. The only thing I could suggest is to complain to your casino that you don't like the machines and maybe you can convince them to at least add a few shoes games. As for eight deck that is pretty much all you are going to get in most casinos in the east.


Well-Known Member
Its not that I want to play against them. Im too young for any regular Casino and I only kno of this one Casino im near that is only 18 to gamble. I dont play there that often but Im just practicing basic strategy right now.

Believe me when I get older I am never going there again. Actually I think their High Stakes area is hand-dealt so maybe if i get a large sum of money i could do that.
Dyepaintball12 said:
Hey all.

What are the table rules like at Casino Windsor?


- 8 decks / 6 decks (VIP)
- dealer stands on all 17
- double any card
- double after split
- you can split up to four times
- no surrender
- about 1 - 1.5 deck penetration
- blackjack pays 3:2

Although the number of decks is high, the rules aren't too bad, they have Lucky Ladies there as well as Perfect Pair. I stick to Lucky Ladies which is a beatable sidebet game that can become quite profitable when the count is right (There is a thread on this forum about Lucky Ladies and how to beat it). Anyways, there is pretty much no heat at all and there are lots of tables so it's not a bad place to play. Well, I live in Windsor so if you ever feel like playing there sometime let me know and maybe we can meet up and play some, I am underage as well and cannot play in many other places so Casino Windsor will have to do for now,



Well-Known Member
checkmaterob said:
- 8 decks / 6 decks (VIP)
- dealer stands on all 17
- double any card
- double after split
- you can split up to four times
- no surrender
- about 1 - 1.5 deck penetration
- blackjack pays 3:2

Although the number of decks is high, the rules aren't too bad, they have Lucky Ladies there as well as Perfect Pair. I stick to Lucky Ladies which is a beatable sidebet game that can become quite profitable when the count is right (There is a thread on this forum about Lucky Ladies and how to beat it). Anyways, there is pretty much no heat at all and there are lots of tables so it's not a bad place to play. Well, I live in Windsor so if you ever feel like playing there sometime let me know and maybe we can meet up and play some, I am underage as well and cannot play in many other places so Casino Windsor will have to do for now,


Does "VIP" mean high limit?


Well-Known Member
checkmaterob said:
- 8 decks / 6 decks (VIP)
- dealer stands on all 17
- double any card
- double after split
- you can split up to four times
- no surrender
- about 1 - 1.5 deck penetration
- blackjack pays 3:2
resplit aces