Casinos in Ireland


Anyone ever been?

I'm member of Merrion and Colloseum(sp) -

Merrion well run and clean but other one fairly run down..

main thing is no alcohol served!!!! Perfect for cardcounting!!!


A.Conti said:
Post additional information please, such as how many BJ tables, limits etc.
merrion only 1 Bj when I was there..limit 100 as far as I remember ..was about 3 years ago so may have changed

Colloseum - 2 tables...limit 200 as far as I remember..bit tipsy that nite..

6 decks - same rules as galas


Theres no joy in counting in a small casino's such as these, you should go to the larger cities such like Manchester, Birmingham and especially London where they have at least 8 tables.


Well-Known Member
If it only has one table I can imagine it gets very busy, so that cancels out wonging right? What are your bet spreads, because I can imagine only having one table that big spreads generate a lot of heat quick. Have you tried googling for close by casinos, I'm sure there will be one if you scout around. Conti has a good point about visiting big cities but if you are trying to locate local ones google is the way forward :cool:


Count in any casinos aslong as the tables arn't constantly full.

Try go at just opening time or in the middle of the morning. Small casinos are sometimes better as well they usually don't have the CSMs and the dealers tend not to be as good and deal a bit more slower etc.


If you're counting on your own you should use smaller casino's with half empty tables however if you are counting in a team a bigger casino with more BJ tables is preferable as you don't want to seem suspicious with say a counter at evry table.