Casinos in Italy?


I'm heading to Rome for 3 weeks in a little bit and was wondering if anyone could give any information on casinos in the area. I did a bit of research and found out that there ARE casinos with blackjack, but they're sparsely populated at best.

Rules/info/bet limits/heat tendencies would be greatly appreciated. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think we have any Italians on the forum, but I think you could find out quite a bit through google.


Italy is not a gambling nation, it has few casinos and only in the larger, rich cities such as Milan.
I'll find out more...


There are currently no leagalised casinos in Rome, I think there not aloud because it ruins the persona of the ancient city and so on, theres others like no buildings over 50m.


Well-Known Member
A.Conti said:
There are currently no leagalised legalised* casinos in Rome, I think there they're* not aloud allowed* because it ruins the persona of the ancient city and so on, theres there's others like no buildings over 50m.
Keep up the grammar lessons Conti :)


I think you'll find I don't make many grammar errors, the quote you picked out was a dramatic stereotype and I have good reason as I posted extremely late after a busy days work and was not aware of any grammar mistakes.


Harman said:
I think you could find out quite a bit through google. *Google (company name mate)
It's not as though I'd have to look far for any of your mistakes Harman.

Oh sorry, you probably carried out the mistake above on purpose of course.


Well-Known Member
I think you just embarrassed yourself... :joker:

Maybe you should put all your comments in one thread instead of scattering them around in multiple posts.. looks neater :)


Well-Known Member
A.Conti said:
Oh yes, I'm not stupid, I know you used to post more to achieve a senior status on this site.
Nobody pays attention to the "Senior Status" or whatnot next to the handle. I pay attention to the quality of the posts and the courtesy of the poster.


And relax....

So Casinos in Italy eh...what cities and where if anyone knows? have an Italian know any?:)