CBJN issue


Well-Known Member

I am in Vegas this month, and bought the current (August) CBJN when it came out, but didn't actually go to any of the casinos to play until around Aug. 12. However, I found that:

1) Two different casinos were suppose to have LS and did not
2) The pen was radically different than stated (One said .4 cutoff, was actually around 1.5: another place said 1.3, was actually .5)

I am just wondering if casinos change pen/rules this often or if the CBJN was just incorrect? I know Vegas is suppose to be the most correct on there!




Well-Known Member
These things can change from one shift to the next, one dealer to another, or when a butterfly flaps its wings in China. I would never trust this other than maybe to assume that the caisno they report is still open.

You must do your own scouting.


Well-Known Member
LS shouldn't change that quickly. Pen can be very variable.

Which joint was supposed to have LS and didn't?