CBJN, Pay rates

There is a thread going on BJ21 about "players" who have given game info to Wong and have never been thanked or reimbursed, a whole $7:yikes:

I fail to understand why anyone would give away good game information.. period,,,
to be put in a widely distributed for profit publication, for a whole $7, or for free, or even for a Thank You from Mr. Wong, the "Dice Controller":laugh:

I know that one poster here, John Doe, is in that thread and is no longer giving info. He has seen the light:cool: :)

So, if you are thinking about sucking up to Mr. Wong and giving info to CBJN, protect your games, be a PLAYER, and JUST SAY NO!.:1st:



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it would be much better if each of us spent hours combing each casino trying to find where the good games are each and every time we visit a city.
I don't buy it to make Mr Wong rich, I buy it because it helps me save time and energy.
The people who contribute aren't doing it to enrich Mr Wong. They are doing it to help their fellow players.

shadroch said:
Yeah, it would be much better if each of us spent hours combing each casino trying to find where the good games are each and every time we visit a city.
I don't buy it to make Mr Wong rich, I buy it because it helps me save time and energy.
The people who contribute aren't doing it to enrich Mr Wong. They are doing it to help their fellow players.
I don't fault you for buying it, even if the info in it is suspect.:)

"helping their fellow players", since when did we feel an obligation to altuism? UNLESS you are on a team, or have joined an Association, (like the MMOA), :cool:with other like minded players, I have no interest in helping any AP. Contrary to what some may think there is no great love between AP's. If you want proof of that just read the posts on BJ21, free or Green, or Arnolds site.:yikes:

The name of the game is to play to win, protect the fine games, and that means not inviting other "unassociated" AP's to destroy your games. :bomb: To do so is utter stupidity.:(


Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I think it makes sense for Vegas and other gaming locales. Nothing great is going to be a secret for long there, anyway.

However, if you find a more remote Indian or riverboat casino with good games, then there is definitely less reason to blab about it.

Thankfully many of the CBJN entries for great games in my neck of the woods are woefully inaccurate!

Blue Efficacy said:
I think it makes sense for Vegas and other gaming locales. Nothing great is going to be a secret for long there, anyway.

However, if you find a more remote Indian or riverboat casino with good games, then there is definitely less reason to blab about it.

Thankfully many of the CBJN entries for great games in my neck of the woods are woefully inaccurate!
Right on BJ Bro'.;)



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
I don't fault you for buying it, even if the info in it is suspect.:)

"helping their fellow players", since when did we feel an obligation to altuism? UNLESS you are on a team, or have joined an Association, (like the MMOA), :cool:with other like minded players, I have no interest in helping any AP. Contrary to what some may think there is no great love between AP's. If you want proof of that just read the posts on BJ21, free or Green, or Arnolds site.:yikes:

The name of the game is to play to win, protect the fine games, and that means not inviting other "unassociated" AP's to destroy your games. :bomb: To do so is utter stupidity.:(

Then why are you even on here? If you have no interest in helping your fellow players,why post ad nauseum about your BJ pow wow?

shadroch said:
Then why are you even on here? If you have no interest in helping your fellow players,why post ad nauseum about your BJ pow wow?
I knew you would reply in such a manner:laugh::laugh:

I will and do give some advice on the sites but I draw the line at giving away game info to players that I have no association with.

As I have said, if you are an AP and I have no association with you, I owe you nothing, you are not viewed as someone I will share anything of value with.

As to the "09 BJ BASH", I was lucky because a highly skilled Pro BJ player took me under his wings many years ago, that is where I learned about the game as well as constant study. We had an association with some 8 players, some very well known and we surely did pass info back and forth and helped one another. Those of the MMOA talk freely with each other and help in any way possible because they know and trust one another, and respect one another. The "BASH" is a golden opportunity for skilled players to meet one another, to form bonds of that trust and respect and then to help one another in any way possible. The "BASH" is this sites Green Chip Party and Black Jack Ball rolled into one without all the pretense and stylin and profilin. (And thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about it again).:grin:

And Shad, just to let you know, I make no money of this "BASH", in fact it cost me in the hundreds to put it on and many hours of my limited time. Shad, you are invited, we will make a spot for you, even though this years event is filled right up with a stunning turnout.:cool::)

"BJ pow wow", Hmmmm.....I will take that as a slur against my heritage:( and it does disturb me, :mad: but I do forgive you for it and I do hope to meet you at one of the "BASH's" one of these years, maybe this one.

My Best,


creeping panther said:
I knew you would reply in such a

"BJ pow wow", Hmmmm.....I will take that as a slur against my heritage:( and it does disturb me, :mad: but I do forgive you for it and I do hope to meet you at one of the "BASH's" one of these years, maybe this one.

My Best,

Just look for the 350 lb gorilla. He won't be hard to spot.

I do supply info to CBJN and have received $20-$30 checks for the work.

It is helpful to the community, particularly in remote games. Suppose conditions are good. Being it's remote, I'm not going to get there again for a while and by publishing the info, other AP's are going to be able to go and play it. What good is a good game if AP's aren't playing it? And if conditions are bad, reporting it will cause AP's to stay away and expend their efforts somewhere else. It sucks to drive 2 hours through the woods and find out they now have CSM's or pen has gone to hell. When I give a report, all I'm doing is improving the accuracy of a less-current reports and giving my colleagues more truthful information.

So I thank all CBJN reporters who provide me with accurate info, and I agree to return the favor.


Well-Known Member

I originally contributed because I wanted to help the community, as the open and honest discussion of all BJ matters (not just location) has been helpful to me. Also, as a relative newcomer, it made me feel a bit more "part of the scene" to provide something of value to everyone.

However, receiving not so much as an acknowledgment or a thank you is kind of an insult, ESPECIALLY when the information that I provide is sold. It made me feel sort of ripped off - not that I care about $7 (or whatever - I did NOT ask for $), but that I was nice enough to provide something of value, and the old guard couldn't even be bothered to write a nice "thank you for your help" email for my trouble.

That's definitely no way to encourage others to do the same, and it does not reflect well on these guys at all. The CBJN publishers are fully aware of the situation, and have chosen to ignore it, which I'm forced to take as a further snub.

Perhaps it would be better to have updated conditions posted openly on a forum? Or even a semi-private forum if it were possible.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
Just remember Wong doesn't care about APs, he simply cares about making money off of his website and newsletter.
I don't believe that. Nor do I need to be thanked for helping others, especially when I'm depending on others to help me.
I'm not saying you are wrong , just that I don't subscribe to that train of thought.
If all Wong cared about was making money, he'd easily find something much more lucrative than a monthy publication.

Automatic Monkey said:
I do supply info to CBJN and have received $20-$30 checks for the work.

It is helpful to the community, particularly in remote games. Suppose conditions are good. Being it's remote, I'm not going to get there again for a while and by publishing the info, other AP's are going to be able to go and play it. What good is a good game if AP's aren't playing it? And if conditions are bad, reporting it will cause AP's to stay away and expend their efforts somewhere else. It sucks to drive 2 hours through the woods and find out they now have CSM's or pen has gone to hell. When I give a report, all I'm doing is improving the accuracy of a less-current reports and giving my colleagues more truthful information.

So I thank all CBJN reporters who provide me with accurate info, and I agree to return the favor.
It is my fervent hope that in the near future you will reconsider your association with CBJN.



Well-Known Member
I also wonder why people give information about extremely lucrative games.

However, given the number of times I've heard people not to trust CBJN to the letter, I don't wonder why people give information in general. There's a certain value to listing all the bad games - readers can stay away, or at least save themselves the trouble of looking. Likewise, reports about mediocre games can help people who are new to a city or (like me) don't play very often. I'd probably submit all my mediocre and bad game data to CBJN if it weren't widely known.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
You cannot trust the info on bad games, either.

There are some gems that people may miss if going simply by wong's newsletter.

Granted, it's not a complete waste, as you can usually find accurate rules and table limits. Usually.