CBJN - Wong's Current Blackjack News - Canadian casinos?


New Member
Hey everyone

Just a quick question -- I'm interested in CBJN but I would mostly deal with Canadian casinos. How up to date is the current issue? The example issue up on the web site is from January 2007 and even then some Canadian casino info was already out of date by as much as 6 years! It would be completely useless for me to buy an issue or a subscription if the info hasn't changed since; for one, I already can see that info in the example issue, and for two, 8 year old information simply cannot be relied upon in any way. Thanks.

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
splice42 said:
Hey everyone

Just a quick question -- I'm interested in CBJN but I would mostly deal with Canadian casinos. How up to date is the current issue? The example issue up on the web site is from January 2007 and even then some Canadian casino info was already out of date by as much as 6 years! It would be completely useless for me to buy an issue or a subscription if the info hasn't changed since; for one, I already can see that info in the example issue, and for two, 8 year old information simply cannot be relied upon in any way. Thanks.
Quick look reveals that of the 22 locations (more then one casino in some locations) 8 of them have been updated in 2009 and the rest are older with some of them as recent as 2008 and some as old as 2001. Perhaps you could contact Al Rogers for more info.