Charity Game Rules


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I got back from a charity casino night and am wondering what the house edge was for this game, and if it is a real game or just their own rules.

No Surrender

Now, for these crazy rules:

1. BJ pays 2to1
2. Any 5-card hand auto. wins
3. ALL PUSHES TIE (except for 21s)

Their were near 6 decks with 100% PEN, but they kept adding and removing cards randomly so it was confusing.


Well-Known Member
what is so crazy about all pushes tie? Or are you saying if you bust and the dealer bust,its a push?


Well-Known Member
6 Decks
Full peek
No surrender
5 card auto winner (including split hands)
BJ pays 2 to 1
EVs (Optimal composition dependent strategy) -
Allow 1 split: EV=+3.223%
Allow 2 splits: EV=+3.252%
Allow 3 splits: EV=+3.257%

No one can play perfect comp dependent strategy, so reduce the above EVs a little. Now you just need to compensate for dealer winning all non-21 pushes. I think the negative effect might be much more than 3% though. I've seen posts somewhere that addressed dealer winning pushes, but I can't remember where. Maybe someone can give an estimate.



Well-Known Member
According Wong's 'Basic Blackjack' pg.93 losing all pushes except 21 will cost you 7.0%.

Edit: Schlesinger's BJA3 pg. 50 provides around 9% to the house edge. In any case, like Shadroch said, a sucker game.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah I believe the 7% edge.

Everyone would lose 5, 6, 7, 10 hands in a row.

I mean it was for charity with low limits so it was fun but damn those rules are awful.


Well-Known Member
The rules are horrible!

All pushes except for 21 lose is a rule so bad that it kills any hope of winning what so ever. It is even a bad game in double expousure where you see both cards before you make your decision. Blackjacks paying 2 to 1 will only add 2.5% to your value. My guess is a good player would be at a 6% disadvantage more than 10 times the normal advantage and an average player might be at a 10% disadvantage at this game.