Charity Game Strategy


Well-Known Member
Where can I get a strategy for a charity game where: Dealer wins ties, BJ pays 1-2, Double 10, 11, DAS. split only to 3 hands

Yea, I know it's a lousy game, but it's a good cause and the people are usually fun to be with. It's only $5-$20Max, but I'd like to minimize my losses.


Well-Known Member
Counting will be worthless. House edge is about 6.8%.
Rules: H17, DAS, D10, LS, RSall, dealer wins ties lol, blackjack pays 2:1.

Hard	19	18	17	16	15	14	13	12	11	10	9	8
10	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Sur/Std	Sur/Std	Sur/Hit	Hit	Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
9	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Sur/Std	Sur/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
8	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Sur/Std	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit
7	Stand	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit
6	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit
5	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit
4	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit
3	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit
2	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Stand	Dbl/Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit
1	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Sur/Std	Sur/Hit	Sur/Hit	Sur/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
Soft	20	19	18	17	16	15	14	13
10	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
9	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
8	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
7	Stand	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
6	Stand	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
5	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
4	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
3	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
2	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
1	Stand	Stand	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit
Split	T,T	9,9	8,8	7,7	6,6	5,5	4,4	3,3	2,2	A,A
10	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Sur/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
9	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
8	Stand	Split	Split	Hit	Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
7	Stand	Stand	Split	Hit	Hit	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
6	Stand	Split	Split	Split	Split	Dbl/Hit	Split	Split	Split	Split
5	Stand	Split	Split	Split	Split	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Split	Split	Split
4	Stand	Split	Split	Split	Split	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Split	Split	Split
3	Stand	Split	Split	Split	Split	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
2	Stand	Split	Split	Stand	Stand	Dbl/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
1	Stand	Stand	Sur/Std	Sur/Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Hit	Split
Edit: fixed coding
Edit 2: beaten like a red-headed stepchild
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Interestingly enough, H17 seems to be player-favorable in this scenario.

H17 / LS = -0.068
H17 / noS = -0.073
S17 / LS = -0.066
S17 / noS = -0.071


bj bob

Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
LOL ... yea they won't give you a receipt for what you lose. At least a donation would be tax deductable.
The losses can be made deductable if the "cage" cashes checks which are made out to the organization. Check it out.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
Interestingly enough, H17 seems to be player-favorable in this scenario.

H17 / LS = -0.068
H17 / noS = -0.073
S17 / LS = -0.066
S17 / noS = -0.071

Fewer losing "pushes" on 17.


Well-Known Member
Sounds OK. I'm surprise you only stand on a few more 16's and skip some marginal splits.

I'll have to ask about the check thing ... nice idea if they will, but probably still not really a legit tax deduction.

callipygian said:
Counting will be worthless. House edge is about 6.8%.
Rules: H17, DAS, D10, LS, RSall, dealer wins ties lol, blackjack pays 2:1.


Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
I'm surprise you only stand on a few more 16's and skip some marginal splits.
The value of hitting 16 plummets if you don't have a good chance of winning your 19-21's. Remember that when dealer wins ties, hard 17 is the new hard 16 - the only way to win is for the house to bust.

Defensive splitting is also completely eliminated. The goal of defensive splitting is to try and push two hands or win one / lose one when otherwise you'd just lose. If there are no pushes, the value of defensive splitting goes way down and you're better off just losing one hand than risking losing two.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm ... so the ploppys who don't hit 16's and never split may be playing a better game than someone who knows the usual BS. Maybe they'd make more with better rules. I've seem people get PO'ed and leave when they hit the push rule.

callipygian said:
The value of hitting 16 plummets if you don't have a good chance of winning your 19-21's. Remember that when dealer wins ties, hard 17 is the new hard 16 - the only way to win is for the house to bust.

Defensive splitting is also completely eliminated. The goal of defensive splitting is to try and push two hands or win one / lose one when otherwise you'd just lose. If there are no pushes, the value of defensive splitting goes way down and you're better off just losing one hand than risking losing two.