I'll be in Vegas for a business meeting over several days and have some time to play. I was backed off at a place on a previous trip with the admonition I could play anything else, just not BJ. The back-off came after I returned several shifts after scoring a modest win-- $1,700 on a $25 min. DD game (yeah, dumb). I think the tape must have been reviewed afterwards because it was a very slow time (week before Christmas) and the PB showed no sign of interest while I was playing. They had my players card, but I played that day and the next day at the property where I was staying and where the card originated several days before. No problem from any PB and I received a modest decrease in my room charge when I checked with the players club before checking out. So my question concerns how to proceed now. If I use my players card at the casino where I was staying before (and will this time) and don't have a problem, is it worth trying some of the other properties in that group using my card, or better to play without it? Would it be worth trying the place where I was backed off (no card of course) since they have one of the better DD games in the group? Or better to let some more time pass before trying that one again?