Chip Glossary


Well-Known Member
Could you guys please clarify for me the respective values for 'green', 'black', 'purple' etc chips. across the pond? The confusing thing is that they seem to be different from what we have here.

For interest and clarification, in the UK it's:

5 = Red, 'Fives'
10 = 'Tens'
25 = Black, Pony
100 = Pink
500 = Monkey
1000 = Biscuit, Green
5000 = Jumbo
25000 = Hammer




Well-Known Member
I'll get you started.
$1= white or silver
$25= green
$100= black.

A few places have $2.50 chips which mostly are pink. I've never seen a $10 chip except for some Silver Tokens from slot machines.

I don't play at a level that calls for higher denomination chips, although I've colored up to purple($500)