

I've been to Vegas twice and played Blackjack poorly but luckily won a small amount. I've been practicing basic strategy so next year I'll know what I'm doing. But I'm not up on what's O.K. to do in casino's, so if I win some chips is it permissible for me to hand some chips to my wife so she can cash them out while I'm at the table and continue playing? She doesn't play Blackjack but likes Roulette and Slots.


Well-Known Member
They will ask you to color up,so she leaves with as few chips as possible-ie 2 green chips instead of 10 red.I don't see a problem if its small stakes..At big stakes,they may suspect a scam of some kind.


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. Any boss that would tell you not to give chips to your wife to go gamble is a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Frequently giving chips to your wife to go play the slots or roulette should get you a big smile and a nice dinner comp.