Sonny said:
Yes, Licentia is one of the Special Voodoo masters, on par with the late, great Cipher.
If that was the case then I wouldn’t need to lock the thread. However this topic has been going on for almost 2 years now. Licentia has made almost 300 posts and private messages, all of which suffer from exactly the same mistake. No matter how many times we carefully explain that mistake, give specific details about why it fails and how to fix it, and give links to articles that give further information, she always comes back with the same mistake and claims that her progression system will beat the house’s advantage. Clearly she does not intend to learn anything and she is not willing to have an intelligent discussion about her system. She doesn’t want to participate, she just wants to talk without listening to anyone else. That is the reason I have locked her threads in the past. There is no point in letting someone repeat the same mistake hundreds of times when they obviously are not interested in fixing it, listening to any criticism or learning about what they are doing. If it continues I may have to ban her.
If any of our non-troll members would like to discuss her system I would gladly allow it, but I think everyone who read her posts has already made comments and they have all been ignored.
Thanks Sonny. Just a few comments.
Cipher actively solicited peoples' money so he could play his "system" with their money.
I wasn't aware that Licentia was soliciting, if she was. I had thought, perhaps in error, she only wanted people's opinions on her "system"(s).
Compared to how often Cipher changed his "system", compared to how often Licentia changed her various ideas on her systems, at least as I recall, makes it ridiculous to even compare. Licentia just tweaked, Cipher, if he lost, was more like "you can't do that on a Tuesday". Cipher spread over 700-1. No wonder he often finished ahead.
Licentia, as far as I know hasn't stolen anyone's money. You really think it's fair to compare them?
Even if they both, genuinely or not, believe they have some system that will overcome the house edge and win money forever?
Is Cipher banned?
Are you saying her mistake is believing her "system"(s) overcomes the house edge just because maybe it actually has for a couple hundred thousand hands? Can you blame her?
Is she to be condemned more for believing that while, perhaps, some "AP"'s play with inadequate rolls, bet, sometimes it seems maybe anyway, more or less changing max bets on the fly sometimes, achieve either impossible favorable results included in which seems to sometimes be poker winnings, slot winnings, etc, had they been counting but are yet still hailed as a successful counter or impossible unfavorable results that are then dismissed as a little bad luck.
Maybe you say she doesn't want to participate or listen to other people, although here she is anyway forced to start a new thread , maybe you have more clairvoyance than I do becasue I simply cannot read her "intent" to learn something or not, and maybe you overrate her intelligence on continuing a discussion lol.
Maybe she wants more than a billion billion sim apparently proving a -EV game is a -EV game for the first billion billion hands lol. Maybe she believes your sim did not apply her "system" properly.
Maybe, it's even more important in Voodoo to let someone repeat the same mistake hundreds of times so they do grasp the point it won't last forever.
What, there's some 2-year time limit on being stupid here? Is that only for Voodoo?
But, I don't know about Private messages or what you have endured etc.
I think I remember reading her posts, with lots of changes to her "system" and just never pursued either sending her 100,000 w/l/t results I already have to more "scientifically", if that term applies in voodoo, to her own system or getting enough specific rules to satisfy myself exactly what the "rules" of her system is and playing a few thousand mock hands myself with it for the fun of it. I actually sometimes do that stupid sh*t believe it or not just to see what happens and because the Nazis took the internet away from me.
I'd bet anyone dollars to doughnuts I could be ahead of EV after 100,000 hands on the internet (-EV) with enough, agreed upon, initial roll.
May not even have been Licentia's posts I'm thinking about lol.
I'm sure it can get frustrating leading horses to water but yet they never drink.
Maybe it's just weird that I have never disagreed with anything technical you have ever said. Even now I don't lol. Unlike Licentia, I happen to agree with your every technical conclusion here and everywhere else lol. You've corrected my sorry as* on many occasions and I thank you.
Whatever lol.
Heck, I'm still trying to understand one single thought FLASH has on ROR lol.
I love him nonetheless though. He doesn't know so don't tell him, lock him, or ban him lmao.
A few days ago I had trouble wrapping my head around locked threads in voodoo now I have to wrap it around being banned for intelligence, time limits in both responding or the lack thereof, etc.
I say let the Voodoo Ploppy play, believe whatever he chooses while doing so, and stop worrying about saving his soul or his money.
Apologies. Really done here. This thread that is lol.