Reprinted here for your enjoyment. zg
CCCafe post#: 316
From: zengrifter
Date: Mon Nov 22, 1999 12:52 am
Subject: Clever cover ploy...
Earlier this year when the newspapers announced
the acquisition of LV's Maxim Hotel & Casino by
Premier Interval, a timeshare developer, I decided to
capitalize on my knowledge of the principals of that
Calif-based company.
Shortly after the shift change to
graveyard, I blew in there with the persona of my snide,
inebriated act and settled in betting $10 - $40 (D10 SD),
not always with the count.
Within 15 minutes I
introduced myself as the CFO of the new company -
"in fact," I informed the 'Asst. Casino Mgr.' (Maxim for
shift boss) "I'm the guy that put the deal together to
buy this turkey from the BK trustee!"
As I answered questions about the upcoming 'changing of the
guard,' the off work private dancer playing at the table
called her gorgeous friend over and introduced me as
"the new owner!"
After the first 70-80 minutes,
I had passed muster with the pit - Dan the asst.
casino mgr. was happy to change the music selection and
adjust the volume level. By now my betting was becoming
quite aggressive - sometimes as low as $5 or as high as
2hands of $250.
I returned 2 more times on that
shift as 'the new owner' and played outrageous spreads
while guaranteeing a floorman's wife a job in sales,
agreeing to let the dance-girls open a billiard club,
informally promoting another PC to shift boss as soon as the
transfers were complete, and promoting two dealers to the
All totaled I played nearly 10 hours with outrageous
spreads at both 1D and 2D and won about $1500 (I should
have won more).
And this joint was (or still is?) the resort HQ of Griffin.
So the next time you need a good cover ploy in a small-indie
joint that's changing hands, just walk in and announce with
confidence that you are 'the new owner.' ZG
CCCafe post#: 316
From: zengrifter
Date: Mon Nov 22, 1999 12:52 am
Subject: Clever cover ploy...
Earlier this year when the newspapers announced
the acquisition of LV's Maxim Hotel & Casino by
Premier Interval, a timeshare developer, I decided to
capitalize on my knowledge of the principals of that
Calif-based company.
Shortly after the shift change to
graveyard, I blew in there with the persona of my snide,
inebriated act and settled in betting $10 - $40 (D10 SD),
not always with the count.
Within 15 minutes I
introduced myself as the CFO of the new company -
"in fact," I informed the 'Asst. Casino Mgr.' (Maxim for
shift boss) "I'm the guy that put the deal together to
buy this turkey from the BK trustee!"
As I answered questions about the upcoming 'changing of the
guard,' the off work private dancer playing at the table
called her gorgeous friend over and introduced me as
"the new owner!"
After the first 70-80 minutes,
I had passed muster with the pit - Dan the asst.
casino mgr. was happy to change the music selection and
adjust the volume level. By now my betting was becoming
quite aggressive - sometimes as low as $5 or as high as
2hands of $250.
I returned 2 more times on that
shift as 'the new owner' and played outrageous spreads
while guaranteeing a floorman's wife a job in sales,
agreeing to let the dance-girls open a billiard club,
informally promoting another PC to shift boss as soon as the
transfers were complete, and promoting two dealers to the
All totaled I played nearly 10 hours with outrageous
spreads at both 1D and 2D and won about $1500 (I should
have won more).
And this joint was (or still is?) the resort HQ of Griffin.
So the next time you need a good cover ploy in a small-indie
joint that's changing hands, just walk in and announce with
confidence that you are 'the new owner.' ZG