Clump betting


Well-Known Member
Although I don't track clumps per se, I have noticed some deck maintain a pretty regular count ramping and for maybe a deck or two the count will go up or down 25 points. I was thinking maybe go ahead and bet into a negative count if the count is still falling as the tens are coming out.

I still use Uston APC and think it can do just fine for me. I don't want to try and learn all the matrices over again.

One little trick I love is doubling a-8 against a 4, 5, or 6. It makes people scratch their heads but it is obvious it pay off in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Dopple said:
I was thinking maybe go ahead and bet into a negative count if the count is still falling as the tens are coming out.
If you can track those negative clumps through the shuffle then you might be able to bet into them. Otherwise don’t even try. Don’t raise your bets unless you know that the tens are going to come out. Otherwise you’ll be sorry most of the time. Many shuffle trackers have lost money due to very small mistakes.

Dopple said:
One little trick I love is doubling a-8 against a 4, 5, or 6. It makes people scratch their heads but it is obvious it pay off in the long run.
I like those too. Those plays can add a little extra profit if done properly but only if you know when to do it. I don’t know the UAPC, but aren’t the indices somewhere around +3 and +6 for 8 vs. 4 and 8 vs. 5?



Well-Known Member
Yeah about those numbers. I also like hard doubling 8 when I can and even 7. There are so many little extra "odd" plays you can make, sometimes even doubling a9 is a good call if the count is high enough.