Strange. I got red for 16 vs 10, which would mean stand at a very low count, no? And for 16 vs 9, it's purple, which means to stand at a very high count, no? As for 15 vs. 10, it was black, which meant stand at pivot point. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Since I only looked at this with a passing glance, I really can't give you any definite reasons why you should do this or even if it's right, but intuition would state that you stand at 16 vs 10 at low counts because they have a higher chance of not drawing a T or an A. As for 16 vs 9 and 15 vs 10, I couldn't tell you, but it seems to correspond with Wong's PBJ as well as BJ for Blood surrender numbers (low on 16 vs 10, high on 16 vs 9, and 0 at 15 vs 10), so I'm inclined to believe CKO is correct.
Hopes this helps!
I guess this question only applies to anyone familiar w/ color ko.
The author says to stand on 16 vs 10, 16 vs 9, and 15 vs 10 in very positive counts rather than surrender. Is this correct?