Comments on session wins


I played yesterday and won my 43rd session out of 52 plays this calendar year. I had great counts yesterday and great positive variance and more than doubled my buy in for the session. I had a fellow player comment on a couple of my moves but I guess he didn't have the count or he wouldn't have questioned my actions. Negative count hits or stands.

My question to other posters: Will my win % bring heat? Will I be 86'd for winning?

Best of luck,


Well-Known Member
Without knowing your level of play, rated/unrated play, session bankroll, spread, game type, etc it's very hard to give you an exact answer regarding heat.

There are a lot of variables that can bring/mitigate heat.

Playing at the red-chip level unrated on a 6D or 8D game would, most of the time, bring less heat than playing any level at a DD or SD game.

If you're playing unrated over a variety of shifts (not playing the same time every day/week) and you haven't noticed any undue attention from casino personnel, my guess would be you haven't had meaningful heat yet.

Please note - you do not need to be winning to be 86'd. If they suspect you are skilled, they can/will bar you from play even if you're losing.


Well-Known Member
Rathole! Get them chips off the table! (Makes you look like a loser)

Definitely x2 about getting heat while winning AND losing. Losing is often worse because you keep buying in for more and more and this draws lots of heat from the boss because you are probably buying in after losing large bets.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
Rathole! Get them chips off the table! (Makes you look like a loser)

Definitely x2 about getting heat while winning AND losing. Losing is often worse because you keep buying in for more and more and this draws lots of heat from the boss because you are probably buying in after losing large bets.
Agree. I won a ton at a certain casino last year and just checked my win/loss statement-- about $400 loser. Rat-holing works. I don't try to hide it from the cameras any more. That looks too suspicious. I either put it all in my pocket when I take a bathroom break and then leave some in my pockets when I return, or I put it in my pockets in plain site, but not when the pit boss is looking (he rates me) or the dealer if I can help it (he might rat me out to the PB).


Well-Known Member
You asked …

"Will I be 86'd for winning?"

The answer is YES. The only question is how long will it take before the
Table Games Manager or a Shift Manager notes your consistent wins. ?

That has happened to me several times in the last 19 years.
I once won 14 out of 15 weekends in succession, while betting a fraction
of what I had bet prior, and was told "Sorry. Your play is just too strong for us."

My Prescription for you:

The smart thing to do is to book numerous microscopic losses.
Then go back to winning some nice amounts. Then repeat.
That way your net win will continue to grow, but your entry in the
casino data base will display a multi-colored mix of wins and losses.


Well-Known Member
paddywhack said:
Two words that are every AP's best friend:

rat hole
No question about it. It works. Just be careful not to RH chips that are being tracked by the PC. That is usually black chips and above. I have never been asked, "Where did all your green chips go?" And if you think they may catch on to you when you cash them (it's obvious you didn't color up), then cash out at the Poker Room cashier where large numbers of smaller denomination chips are the norm. When I do that, I may cash in my large chips right away at the main cashier, and then wait a while before hitting the Poker Room cashier with my smaller chips. Aslanoia


Big Thank you players

Thanks for the advice. I will try to squirrel away chips for than I already do.
Creeping Panther will you please contact me at the store if you see me playing as you indicated that you know who I am. I won't play again until mid to late next week.

Yesterday (Fri) I played and did lose four units after being down more than 30 units. I switched tables, bought in more green and thought my way out of the session over three hours of hard work.

I reviewed my play YTD and I am a ~2-3% winner on a cash wagered basis. Perfectly in line with what you guys say on this forum.
Gotta love this game!
Best of skill,


Well-Known Member
BTW, rat hole (mainly green) when you're winning and even when you're losing. Makes the wins less and the loses more. Very good for obscuring your bottom line.
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Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
cedardog said:
I played yesterday and won my 43rd session out of 52 plays this calendar year. I had great counts yesterday and great positive variance and more than doubled my buy in for the session. I had a fellow player comment on a couple of my moves but I guess he didn't have the count or he wouldn't have questioned my actions. Negative count hits or stands.

My question to other posters: Will my win % bring heat? Will I be 86'd for winning?

Best of luck,
Congratulations on your winning streak. You have an 83% win rate. I also have an exceptional win rate so far this year, but not as many sessions as you have. I have won 12 out of the 14 times I played this year (86% win rate).

I'm curious if you always have this high of a win rate. My usual session (one day is a session for me) win rate for an entire year is in the 60% to low 70% session win. My lifetime average session win rate is 63.70%.

Now all the expert players over at green chip BJ21 tell me I'm a poor player because of a high win rate. They say I'm protecting my wins with money management and that I'm not putting out the big bets when called for in order to protect my wins. They say if you don't have high variance its a sign of a poor player. I think they may be right in my case because if I find myself way ahead I do hold back on putting out those big bets especially if my playing session is almost over. I was wondering how you have managed to get such a high win rate?

I too have been concerned about getting kicked out of one of the casinos I play at. I have won the last 19 sessions I played at this casino and rat-holeing helps, but also don't cash out all at once. Many places will call survillance for cash outs over $500.


Well-Known Member
Midwest Player said:
Many places will call survillance for cash outs over $500.
Must be small stores with limited action. I would think that would be a difficult store to have prolonged success at since they must keep better track of their chips.

As for win%, good job. Your lifetime average is almost identical to mine. But we all know it's one long session...


Well-Known Member
How do you know when the cage calls surveillance for the $500 cash out? Is there a pause in your cash out? Are they calling the pit instead of surveillance? Feel free to PM answers rather than post.
Cedar Dog

You are playing a great DD and winning and apparently are an AP,,enjoy,,,,, as how you have played this long without a backoff, there, is way,,way beyond me.:confused:

But enjoy!:):cool:

And no, I will not be seeing you soon:laugh:



lost three sessions in a row!

Holy Crap Batman!

Just as my confidence was high, bad cards, bad counts and sinking confidence has brought back reality. Today I played 6 deck shoe, dealer drew to 21 8 out of 10 hands in one streak, got two pushes in the ten hands, lost the others. Made my largest wager, got double opportunity and won with a 21. Only double I made in three shoes. Ouch!

I don't have the stomach for losses. I'll give this a rest for a few days.

To answer how I have not garnered much attention; Low bet spread, keep wins under $1000 a session, rat-hole when possible. Sometimes act as if I am a hunch player. Ask other players how they would play a tough decision hand...but, only at my minimum bet.
