Comparing systems' wonging and/or flat bet capabilities

i have read countless books and articles, and not surprisingly, they all assume play-all and spreading, which is how most professionals play, but i am dying to read some sims/articles comparing systems wonging capabilities, with small/no spreading.. i know betting correlation is a factor with wonging, but i doubt it is the only factor.. i am aware that the reason there are no such articles like this, is because not many people are interested in playing less than 50% of the hands, while also playing with a 0% edge (no spreading).. on the flip side, the majority of counters go broke because of an insufficient bankroll, and i think its foolish to say "if you dont have a sufficient bankroll, just play basic strategy and bet the table minimum and dont play very often", because if you can count, why not apply it? if anybody has any insight on this, let me know, thanks..


Well-Known Member
You may have seen posts shilling a book called Blackjack Attack. You know, once or twice. It covers wonging from quite a few different angles. Including wonging with a full bet spread, a compressed bet spread, and no spread whatsoever. It even compares the techniques once all the tactics have been adjusted for the same risk of ruin.

Also, over at blackjackforumonline, there's a little freeware simulator called Powersim. It's a little clunky to get going, but you can bang out a two sims on one game, one play-all, and one where you bet "0" at negative counts, and see the differences.


SilentBob420BMFJ said:
i have read countless books and articles, and not surprisingly, they all assume play-all and spreading, which is how most professionals play, ..
Where'd you hear that? zg
zengrifter said:
Where'd you hear that? zg
i dont memorize every quote from every book, but MOST of the time they are talking about play all or wonging out and really bad counts, and of course spreading.. are u claiming that you can be a professional AP, doing it for a living and not spreading? maybe i was a little wrong about the wonging, but i highly doubt anybody does it like me, that being play ONLY positive counts, with no bet spread.. basically my point was that nobody plays like me, so its hard to get information and such