Complete File of Blackjack Forum


New Member

I have just listed on Ebay complete files of:

Arnold Snyder's Blackjack Forum (1981-2004)

Michael Dalton's Blackjack Review (1992 - 1998)

Casino & Sports (1977 - 1985) edited by Huey Mahl and later Howard Schwartz

If you have any interest the links are:

(Dead link:
(Dead link:
(Dead link:

Thanks a lot,

Harry Oliver


Any copyright issues? zg

Ps - Moderators, if he doesn't show interest in meaningful dialogue please remove his SPAM.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like any copyright violations - they're hardcopies it seems. Whether it's appropriate or not to post ebay ads here is another matter (no big deal, IMO).

Nice collection nonetheless, I wouldn't mind thumbing through a few of these.


johndoe said:
Doesn't look like any copyright violations - they're hardcopies it seems. Whether it's appropriate or not to post ebay ads here is another matter (no big deal, IMO).

Nice collection nonetheless, I wouldn't mind thumbing through a few of these.
Oh yes - good stuff - Dalton's too. He called it a "file" - that threw me. zg


Well-Known Member
check out the other items this seller has for sale. some interesting rare 'magic' books, useful for 'tricks' at the table.


New Member
I don't know how to reply to ZG directly, so I'll make my comments here.

1. What copyright violations are you referring to. This is America, any thing I have purchased I have a right to sell. I don't have the right to make copies and sell those for a profit.

2. I thought I was doing a meaningful thing by letting those who might be interested in blackjack history know that the file(or as you prefer, books,issues pamhlets,journal, booklets,etc) was available. I did not try to sell the items here. I just said that if anyone was interested they could go to Ebay to check it out.

3. Now you can remove the so call spam as you call it.


Well-Known Member

Dude, he already acknowledged his error in thinking there was a copyright problem. Chill out, there's no problem.

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
Relax. Your language was confusing. I also thought it was a hardcopy of an electronic forum or a database file before I scrutinized your ebay ad.

People should investigate more closely before they respond, but at the same time, that's the typical gut reaction on an internet-based forum such as this. Right or wrong, it probably won't change, so get used to it, or find a different venue.