im looking for a composition dependent strategy for 6 decks, s17, das, da2, split to 4 hands.. since i play 6 decks now instead of 8, i figured that i could benefit from a composition strategy (takes .023 off the house, which would reduce the house edge down to .403% which is pretty good these days), but i cant find anything, and frankly i have never heard of anybody using cds on shoes.. since i flat bet, im looking to do everything i can to get that house down to zero, and i think i can do it with comps, a few indexes, cds, and playing only when the running count is positive.. im aware that all i have to do to play a positive game is play only when the true count is greater that 1, but then i would be playing only 26% of the hands instead of the 40%-50% i want to play, besides, i would then have to calc the true count every hand, instead of only for my index plays
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