Comps at Ameristar in St. Charles, MO


Active Member
Ameristar (St. Charles, MO) has a free buffet comp if you earn 15 points on a Tuesday night. This is very easy to do playing just $10 hands at any blackjack table. After your session take your players card, swipe it at a promotions self-serve kiosk, and click on the Promotions button. You will see the buffet comp. This is worth $16.00.

By the way, the buffet is absolutely incredible. Excellent high-quality food and a huge selection. Awesome desserts, too! Bring another player with you and both of you can eat like kings :joker:.


Well-Known Member

You need to look at this from a mathematical perspective.

I suspect that it takes at least 4 hrs of play (if you are flat betting $10)

Lets say that it is a slow (full) table and the patron is getting 60 hands per hour.

After 4 hrs. that would equate to an aggregate 240 x $10 = $2,400 of wagers.

If the ploppy is playing at a 1% disadvantage his expectation is to lose $24.

In reality, the typical customer‘s expectation is much worse;
especially since almost nobody actually flat bets for hours on end;
and most players are burdening themselves with an expectation about
double what I used here, according to studies by P. Griffin, et al.

P.S. As a grizzled veteran I will point out that that $16 buffet used to be operated at a loss by charging almost nothing.


Active Member
Judging by your response I take it that you are familiar with the way their comps are calculated. I *cannot* get a straight answer out of any of the pit bosses as to what their calculations include!

Can you shed some light on it for me? Calculating with the video poker and slots are easy because the machine knows exactly what is being bet and not guesstimated by a pit boss anytime he decides to look your way. I also got straight answers from them regarding these. However, not for table games.

As for the $24 loss to the $16 comp, many of the times I have played I have either been near break-even or up when playing for this comp. I also have hit it relatively quickly and then cashed out to get the buffet.

The buffet is so worth it :grin:. It's delicious. And on Easter they have the best damn brunch imaginable.


Active Member
flyingwind said:
Is the buffet always $24?
Not sure -- there are billboards out here advertising a $15.99 buffet on a few weeknights. The rest of the nights I imagine it's around $20 or more. On Easter it's $25 or so and is worth every last penny! I must've gained ten pounds last Easter ;).
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