Considering CC or adv methods

Hey all, first post wuhoo ;).

So I've been reading this forum for a long time now and i find everything to do with CC and even adv methods very interesting + mostly doable with the right work ethic.

My background is in Poker mainly so i understand what it is to grind a small edge.

I was thinking of investing some time in CC'ing but I think it may be a fruitless endeavor for one main reason. I know that i have the smarts to be +EV when CC'ing a good game but i also realize there is a lot to learn and it would be a waste of time becoming an expert if i can't ply my trade.

As you can guess from my user I'm not from somewhere like Vegas that has a million games to choose from. We have BJ here but in limited supply.. from what I've seen a lot of the games are bad ie 8 deck with no pen plus lots of shuffle ( In saying this i haven't actually gone looking for good games these are just what i saw when rec playing ).

So my problem is two fold,
1) Is there any good games to CC ( and how do you find them in small places offering a max of 3-4 tables without being immediately spotted )
2) if i find one or two good games is it +EV to CC in these games knowing that i cannot simply move on when heat etc starts.

Any input would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have access only to places with relatively few tables. Yes, it is pretty suspicious to wong out from one table, only to go backcount the adjacent table (which is probably what you'd be forced to do if the venue only had a few tables).

You need to find out what kind of tolerance this place has for spreading over long periods of time at the same table (without getting yourself burned in the process). So, yeah, it probably is not worth the trip if you can only get in an hour or so before getting heated up due to the limited number of tables.



Well-Known Member
How many joints are within a couple hours drive from you? Roughly how many BJ tables in each joint? What are the rules for the 8 deck games? What is the ave penetration you can expect? With this information you'll get your question answered many times with likely varied opinions.


Well-Known Member
The game you describe (if you analysed it correctly) is pretty awful for a CC venture. I would say its of little use to learn it, however, there may be other opportunities that you can take advantage of. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I hear, EU is not very savvy when it comes to advantage play. Sounds like mistakes may not be uncommon.