re: deck est., KO v. Hi-Lo, etc...
"Does anyone know what would be the loss in EV due to incorrect deck estimations when using high-low. For instance, if I average being off by 1 in an 8 deck shoe how much EV would this cost?"
I'm not sure what you are alluding to by saying "off by one". What I can tell you is that with sloppier deck estimation win rate MAY ACTUALLY GO UP. This is due to the slight overbetting that occurs, but is of course outweighed by the increase in variance.
"I realize High-Lo outperforms KO..."
A common misconception.
"...but I'm skeptical about being able to be 100% accurate in estimating remaining decks down to the nearest half."
100% accuracy is of course not necessary. Being able to estimate within +/- 6 cards will more than suffice.
"In practical application does High-Lo still outperform KO or is this just theoretical based on perfect true counts."
As I hinted before, I have plenty of conclusive sim data that shows KO in running count mode outperforming Hi-Lo over a broad range of common conditions. Yes, there are a couple instances where Hi-Lo edges KO out very slightly, but as you presumed, this will be nullified, and then some, by the effect of errors.
One more point, if you did want to progress to TC conversion in the future, there is no reason to avoid KO, as it can be TC'ed just as Hi-Lo can, in fact easier.
There really isn't a need to differentiate between balanced and unbalanced. Either one can be used in TC or RC form, it just so happens (for obvious reasons) that unbalanced performs better in RC mode. As Pete Moss used to say, "There is no such thing as a balanced count."
"...mainly for 8D, dealt 6 deep. DOA, DAS, LS
I know this isn't a good game, to put it mildly, but its the best i have access to at the moment."
In that case, I would highly recommend the Red Sevens count. It is a simple unbalanced RC mode system that provides the optimal pivot point for backcounting ease, as well as accuracy. If wonging is not an option similar results can be achieved by aggressive table departure.