Count-o-Rama: A Trip Report


Well-Known Member
Today was my brother's birthday. A friend of his on a local university's sport's team ran a fundraiser: a bus trip to Casino Rama in "beautiful" Orilla, Ontario. So we knew what we were doing for his birthday!

I didn't have anywhere near the bankroll I wanted going in. I was expected over 1K in cashouts from some VERY good positive variance while bonus whoring. But I miscalculated bank days and real days. Today was Good Friday, and the banks weren't transferring any wires. So I was stuck with the measly $200 I had, $100 someone owed me, and another $100 I borrowed from my brother.

The bus trip up was shorter than I thought, and all the while I got to watch civilization slowly fading from existence. We started in the very heart of Toronto, and proceeded North to Nowhere. Along the way, it got snowier, more desolate and isolated-- and to top it off, being Good Friday, everything was closed. It was like a ghost town!

For the bus ride up, my brother had covertly snuck some vodka and orange juice into a 7-up bottle. A mighty effort of subterfuge-- completely obliterated by the fact that a group of underaged girls were drinking Guiness and Labatts RIGHT OUT OF THE LABELED CANS.

Finally we arrived at the casino. We were given the standard "get you player card or you don't get food, have your ID ready or you don't get in" speech. Aforementioned underaged girls borrowed their friends IDs to get in and get PCs. Then when said friends went for their PCs, then had to try to explain why, they were trying to get ANOTHER PC when they just got one 30 seconds ago. Yeah, some people don't think things through.

No concern of mine, as I wanted to do 2 things. Check out the tables and friggin eat something. I did a walkabout while the rest of our party got their PCs, just in time to see every single table being pumped up to $15/$25/$50 limits. (For the record, it was 2pm on a Friday). Not a problem, just means I'll have to wong like a Standford. So, onto food!

Last time I was at a Casino, it was at Niagara. The buffet, which was comped, was beautiful. Every piece of food was tasty, and tasted different. The desserts were gourmet, and the fresh-sliced was nice, rare roast beef. It was something I would have gladly paid full price for.

Here? Not so much. Things took a turn for the worse when the first thing I encountered was a sign that said "Spaghetti Pasta" (differentiating it from, y'know, all those non-pasta Spaghettis???) . Then they went further downhill when I got a 5-minute lecture from the slice-lady about why it was called CORN beef. Oh yeah, and the German Chocolate cake was neither german, nor chocolately, and just barely cake. I was describing some of the food as "craptacular" at the exact moment the waitress came for drink orders. She didn't flinch. I think she a agreed.

So, with a Standard, Generic Mess of Carbohydrates and Proteins out of the way, it was time to play some BLACKJACK! Or at least, wander table to table looking for anyone that had seats that weren't reserved. The place was frigging PACKED! There were lots of places to backcount two tables, but no places to sit when the count got good. Nothing is more frustrating than having a TC +4-- and no open spots.

After about an hour, I finally found a table I could count and sit at. Count rose, I sat, I won about $50, I left. Worked out well. Another half hour passes, and the crowds are thinning out. At last I find +TC table, grab a seat, and start taking some Player Advantage! The count stays high the whole shoe. During the shuffle, I take a few cell calls "from my brother, regarding our poker waiting list". (That's my cover-- I'm a timid poker player who might throw down some blackjack, y'know if it feels lucky and stuff). I keep talking for the first hand of the new shoe-- and right away, TC+1. I sit back down, play again. Repeat this two more times, and in the end, I'm up about $100.

All the while, zero heat. The pit bosses are just too busy running around raising table limits and (finally) nullifying the Reserved tokens that have been sitting there for hours to care. I swear I could have been counting out loud, and no one would have heard.

I had a couple interesting dealer interactions. The first, I was mispaid. I'd been alternating my bets between $15 on TC+1, and $40 on TC 2 and higher. (I never had to wong out on TC 0 or less. Nice shoes!). So I was either better 3 reds, or 3 reds with a green underneath. Well, one had I accidently bet $35-- 1 green, 2 reds on top. I got paid $15. As soon as I saw it, I was just WHOA HANDS OFF. Once the dealer finished with the table, I just said "I think you mispaid me". The critter confirms, I get my $35, everyone's happy.

Soon after, the dealer runs out of $5 chips (because, y'know, understocking dealer trays is just how Rama rolls). She asks the table to color in what they can. I say "Sure, as long as we all get Blackjacks." Sure enough, next hand-- 3/7 of them are blackjacks (including my big bet). I couldn't help but tip on that one. =)

Some hours later, I'm up ~$300, when my brother tells me that the (severely undersized and "douchebag-operated") Poker Room has called us. Alright, fine, I might as well try poker again. I'm not horrible at it. I've made money off it before.

An hour later, and two enormous suckouts later, I'm down $125 for the trip. Bleh. It's time for the bus to leave, so I can't win it back. I cash out, all the while adding #4 to my Halcyon's List of Rules:

1) Don't Martingale anymore.
2) Seriously, don't Martingale anymore.
3) I ****ing mean it.
4) No more poker. You can't force it to be +EV, and twice it's eaten you BJ winnings.

So yeah, next time I'm in a casino, Blackjack only.

The bus ride back is spent reviewing how things went. I was up in BJ, which I'm happy about, and identified several points in which I should have walked away from Poker (which will come in handy when I violate #4, and have to add #5-- see #3)

Oh yeah-- at the same time, a group of drunken Scottish rugby players, two of whom are in kilts, dance in the aisle and sing hip hop-- while the bus is driven by a heavily accented man named William Wallace. (I absolutely dare any of you to claim to have ever uttered anything even remotely close to that in a trip report.)

In summary:

1) Casino Rama heat level is near nilch. (Every time a black hit the table, the dealer would half-heartidly mutter "checks play", be ignored by the critter, and deal anyways). They don't care if you literally run between two tables, muttering "plus one here, neg three there".
2) Casino Rama is a festering, over crowded crap hole with bad food, located thirty minutes to the north of the middle of nowhere.
3) I don't have enough comp points to get the orange fleece hooded sweater in their gift shop. I like fleece, and I like free things. So me = :sad:

Meanwhile, I shall regenerate my bankroll online, and save up for my next planned counting outing. Stay tuned this summer for: My Super EX-Counting Report (in IMAX where available)


Well-Known Member
I'm glad it sounded like you kept your wonging discipline. It's important when short-stacked.

... how did you martingale at poker?


Active Member
The "spaghetti pasta" is just about as interesting as "chinese pizza" ive been served. i woulda been going nuts if i went to a casino and had two shoes that didnt fall negative. LUCKY.
Thats probably the first time ive heard of girls drinking guiness too, much less underage ones. ballsy.


Well-Known Member
he didn't martingale at poker, probably on BJ

i had EXACTLY the same experience at rama, bad food, crowded tables, no heat.

so i've now decided wonging is not an option at any of our casinos on weekends... like you said, there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to place a bet when the TC =>3
so if the place looks full, i just find the cheapest table and plop myself there... strategically leaving on low counts (while reserving my spot) to go the washroom, check the poker room, etc.

and also, i've been to niagara once, doesn't it have all csm's??


Well-Known Member
Is casinoramma government run? If so you likely won't get heat no matter what.
At least thats the way it is where I play in Canada. A dealer that works there told me that they can't bar for counting. I have been wonging hard ever since and no heat not even a change in pen. I think they just make the game so lousy that they figure no one is going to make any big money anyway. they counter this law with these rules 6d nls h17 das no dealer hole card. I think the house edge is about .66%. Any way I would check for yourself about casinorama. who knows maybe my days are numbered because of a lying dealer.



Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I'm glad it sounded like you kept your wonging discipline. It's important when short-stacked.
I figured it was the best chance I had, with a 0-2 spread. Even if I wanted to playthrough, there wasn't a table in existence where I could spread 1-12, and not have a RoR of 101% +)

... how did you martingale at poker?

Not poker (like Bluewhale guessed). It was online blackjack while bonus hunting. I lost a (for me) sizable chunk of a high-variance windfall. I ended up having $1 profit, and counted my lucky stars. (Rule #1) The next time, I figured "hey, I could just 1, 2, 4, 'gale, because betting $4 a hand is still a very low RoR". I didn't go broke, but I'd be darned if I didn't lose each and every $4. (Rule #2) The next casino I hit had an autoplay monthly-- which ended in +EV, despite flatbetting. I was tempted to Martingale my next non-autoplay casino, and even went so far as losing 1 "large" $4 bet (which double downed to become $8).

So I made myself sit down and do the math. In the end, if I Martingale or flatbet, I'll end up with the same EV. The only problem is, when the Martingale loses, it loses big time-- and I didn't want any more big time losses. Hence rule #3

If I count my lifetime poker playing, I'd say, even after taking any winnings into count, I'm -~$400-$500, which is about equal to live-casino blackjack winnings. I figure if I'm going to lose, I'd rather lose at a game with an advantage. At least then I might win. =)


Well-Known Member
bluewhale said:
so i've now decided wonging is not an option at any of our casinos on weekends... like you said, there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to place a bet when the TC =>3
so if the place looks full, i just find the cheapest table and plop myself there... strategically leaving on low counts (while reserving my spot) to go the washroom, check the poker room, etc.
If I had any say in the matter, I would have gotten there long before noon, staked out a $5 with a larger bankroll, gotten a Grandfather chip, and just played away. If I could, I might even wong out of a bad shoe (with a Reserve), then go to a different pit and grand-reserve another table. That way I could flatbet AND wong. =) I'd also have gone on a weekday.

However, the bus left at 11:00am-- which meant it was scheduled to leave at 11:30am-- which meant it left at 12:00, after the rugby players finished their drinks in the pub! I was kinda the odd man out. Given all the drinking that went on just on the way there, I don't think any of them could have counted their own fingers-- let alone cards! =)

and also, i've been to niagara once, doesn't it have all csm's??
I've been told so. In my above post, I had meant Fallsview. They have a few CSM, but the majority are shoe with automatic shufflers. I've even seen $5 shoe games on weekday afternoons. 8D, all of them, though a dealer told me they sometimes go 6D during slow times.


Well-Known Member
It's not related to Canadian BFE casinos, but martingaling has its place in specific online environments.

For sticky-type bonuses, you want to bet really big, really early. If playing BJ for it, I'll try to bet half my bankroll (leaving the other half for split/double). If I'm playing two hands, I'll break the bets into quarter increments, to split/double both. If I'm constrained by table max, then I just need to make sure that my variance will be high enough to either reach a target or bust out quickly.

That's where martingaling comes in. Last week, I had set an arbitrary cashout limit of $1200 at one place. Bankroll was $1150, I had been betting $200/hand. But since I was so near the target point, I went ahead and just bet $50. When I lost, I bet $100, etc, up until I was again betting max bets.

... but when grinding through a bonus, (either cashable, or a sticky with playthrough), then I recommend just finding a suitably small bet, and flat-bet, charging through it as quickly as possible. You play enough gillions of hands, and variance will even out. And flat-betting is much faster than futzing around with bet sizing.