Counting aces on the side

Hello everyone. I am interested in the idea of counting the aces and believe that it could be beneficial for me considering i play DD games. My question is this: where could one find a good book or article explaining how to do such a thing and incorporate it into one's already learned strategy? pardon my ignorance but i am not familiar with how an ace side count would operate, I have only heard it mentioned so any insight would be much appreciated. I play hi-lo if that makes any difference for adding an ace side count or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Hi-lo is not a good system for side counting aces.The systems that are known for side counting aces are Omega II, Uston APC, Hi Opt 1 and 2. These systems do not count the ace in the primary count unlike the Hi-lo, which assigns the ace a -1. Side counting the ace is usually used for betting purposes not playing decisions. You are already counting the Ace in Hi-lo, so side counting it would not increase you BC a lot it is already at 97. The systems that side count aces their BC is in the low 90’s, which increases their BC a lot.

If you decide to learn to side count aces Omega II or Hi Opt 2 would be your best bet. Blackjack For Blood by Bryce Carlson covers the Omega II system. Omega II is the system I used to use, but I would actually recommend against learning it. I would recommend the Zen count if you play mostly SD and DD games it is stronger than the Hi-lo especially in SD and DD games.

Here is a list of different systems and their tag values.
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zen count

hmm... well I suppose i had better switch to Zen count. It will be hard though to unlearn what i have already learned. Thank you for the advice. A .12 increase in PE will hopefully be worth the effort.:eek: