Counting advice for a noob?


New Member
Hey guys. New to the blackjack scene. I've only played once at a casino, and lost about 200 bucks. I picked up a book on blackjack and am learning basic strategy using a computer game, but according to this site I'm still hosed if I don't count. I have no idea where to start though. What do you guys think of the KO system? Or do you mostly stick with the Hi-Lo? I have no idea where to start as far as counting goes. Please help a noob.

Abraham de Moivre

Well-Known Member
The place to start

The place to start is knowing basic strategy.

There is no such thing as learning basic strategy.

You must KNOW basic strategy, it must be ingrained into your memory, burned into your brain, tattooed on the inside of your skull.

You must instantly if you should hit/stand/double/split/surrender given any two card combination against any dealer upcard without even thinking about it.

Once you have mastered this step, then you can worry about counting and gaining an advantage.



It is often said that 90-95% of players that learn counting will eventually fail/go broke. So be take a hard look statistically at where you might end up!

Couple of questions:

How much money are you willing to risk at BJ (ie quit forever when you lose this amount)? If it is less than a couple thousand bucks, you might as well just stop now and try something else. The fluctuations WILL wipe out most underfunderfunded players (who are playing perfectly, you won't be!). Take a look at the "The Mayors BJ journal" link on the side and imagine starting playing where his stats nosedive. He is a solid player with a difficult count system, but like all us he faces inevitable negative fluctuations.

How often will you play, is there a good game near you? There is no sense in learning to count for one trip a year to Vegas. The learning/practice time required for counting will make your hourly expectation to be in the sub 10 cent range if you are a nickel player. Having a good game near you helps get thru the startup period, hopefully a shoe game with late surrender, decent penetration and the possiblity of avoiding negative counts.

KO is a great starting count, but if you think you will be playing a lot, I would recommend HiLo.

Ask a lot of questions, especially about bet size and risk. Every now and then a recognized poster disappears from cyberspace. Some suspect aliens being involved, I think they are part of the 90% of lost souls!



New Member
Re: noobie-do

I set casino limits. I haven't really set a lifetime limit. I live paycheck to paycheck like (most) everybody else, and go to the casinos in Louisiana, about 2 hours away, when my buddies and I get the urge and the extra spending money. I'm not looking to strike it insanely rich, as I have a million other get-rich-quick schemes for that (most involving a large anti-gravity device). I'm just looking to play cards for fun, and it seems like it'd be a lot more fun if you had a winning proposition than a losing one.


Re: noobie-do DETAILS

Counting is like casino-antigravity... DETAILS of your commercial antigravity concept(s) would be welcome on the nonBJ board HERE!. zg

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: noobie-do

This is a very bad way to proceed. You must have a bankroll specifically allocated to the game. If you don't have enough spare cash to risk losing it all, then don't play. This is just like investing in the markets. You must be able to ride out the bad times, knowing that the good times are inevitable.

By the way, Motheye is an extremely respected expert, and his advice is worth its weight in electronic gold.

Nice to see you posting, Motheye,



New Member
Re: noobie-do

Zengrifter, my anti-gravity machine is a pipe dream. The mad scientist thing didn't really work out for me.

Thank you for your advice guys. So you are saying that unless I have insane amounts of money on hand to lose, don't start playing?

Abraham de Moivre

Well-Known Member
Re: noobie-do

You don't need insane amounts of money, just really crazy amounts.
The cash doesn't need to be on-hand all at one time. If you are prepared to, and can add, to your bankroll from future income, then you can consider that money part of your 'bigger bankroll'.

But, you have to be prepared to lose it all. If you would have any regrets about simply throwing the money away into the street and watching the wind blow it away, if you would feel any concern about that, then that money wasn't gambling money. NEVER gamble with money you might need and are not totally prepared to lose.

'Needed' money never wins.


Re: noobie-do

My opinion is that you CAN play as though you have $2500 ($5units) even if you only have $500 to start - if the $500 is lost you simply do it again with another $500 at a later date - and if that $500 is also lost, once again at a later date. This concept is known by various terms including "lifetimeBR", "installmentBR", throw in a couple 2-3 small casino credit lines and you have MY concept o0f the "virtualBR" zg


Re: noobie-do, and BR too

ADM's response is too extreeme - you must know the likelyhood of losing it all, but then YOU decide how much risk you want to take - a 20%RoR is OK for some, while a 2%RoR is too much for another. IMO the smaller the BR the bigger the RoR necessary and appropriate. zg