Remember, just because somebody asks for something, doesn't mean you have to give it.
Some answers to consider.
Phone number? None of your damm business, I hate telemarketers and people calling me.
Drivers License Number/License Plate? I don't drive, my friends bring me, or I take the bus, or grab a cab.
Address? Give them any old non-existent address. The only reason they ask for this is so they can mail you offers. If the mail is undeliverable, the marketing dept. will remove you from the mailing list, but they aren't going to notify the pit or cut off your comps or anything. If you give them a lot of action, you might consider setting up a post office box at a Mailboxes R Us place. Some of the mail offers are for free money, etc., and you might want to get them.
Need an ID? You might try all the old underage drinking tricks. Claim you forgot your ID and see if they will accept the form anyways. Use your long lost cousin's ID who never goes to casinos anyways. Etc., Etc.
Of course, like SAMMY says ... if you aren't planning on making a full time career of it, or must depend on a large portion of your income from it, just give them your real name and forget about it.