Counting system sandbox?


New Member
I was wondering if anybody knew of software that can automaticly simulate large numbers of hands while playing under the constraints of various systems. I'd like to be able to test various systems and be able to change them. While I will buy the software I'd rather it be open source or freeware.

Thanks a 1.5 Million,


ZAP--- I think Statistical Blackjack Analyzer has what you want, this program simulates 1000s of hands based on the perimeters you input in it, (HI-low, KO, HI OPT ect. ect.). You can also Input the Amount of units you want to bet, and about 1000 other variables. It also has a demo version--I have not bought the actual thing yet (Its like 80 bucks). If you want to calculate something like the Standard deviation of a particular system or risk of RUIN I think Stanford Wongs BLACKJACK COUNT ANALYZER might help you, this is around the same price, no demo as far as I know.

...I myself am not an avid user of these software programs, and am still learning how to operate them.