Cover play


I'm a red shipper that gets out to Vegas twice a year, and I play at my local indian store once a month. There is little to no heat at the local store, but I use a players card, and I'm worried about them noticing that I only play blackjack.

My question is that what game would have the worse house edge? But I obviously don't want to give up my profits to an unbeatable game? I was thinking VP or video BJ?


Cheap cover

To help balance things out, if you have a buddy that plays slots, ask them to put some activity on your card during their normal play. I don't know what the casino is likely to notice about your action, but I'd advise against giving away your earnings to buy some cover. Unless you are a big threat to them, I doubt they'll pay you much mind.

The cheapest cover is conversation. Talk to the dealers and PCs about the other games, big jackpots, hot Craps shooters and the like. VP is a beatable game, so that is a must, but if you want to play other games, try only the ones with low odds such as Craps, or Baccarat (if it is available). Also, it costs you nothing to stand at a Craps or Roulette table and not play, except for lost time. I doubt the BJ pit will be watching you closely, just come back with some chips in hand, grumbling or smiling.



Well-Known Member

I have played several Indian Casinos in California and most playable places in Vegas and think as a red chipper you should not need much if any cover except perhaps looking like a friendly player, ( as said before, talking to the pit, grumbling a little when things go wrong, just looking like all the other red chippers in the place.)
There are places in Vegas that might give you a problem if your spread is big but if you only go twice a year, then why worry. If you spread say 12-1 or more and get a few of your big bets out, then you leave and go to the next place. Mainly it is downtown and some of the locals places that you would encounter heat at red chip level (a few small strip places also)
The Indian places here seem very tolerant at your level and the average player is so bad that the scene of removing a red chip player would just probably hurt the casinos image much more than any amount of money you could take from them.
Betting red you just can not make enough to give a bunch of it back by logging time on a bad machine or game. Getting a second card and giving it to a friend is a good idea but it could probably wait till you play green.

Not to worry

As a green chipper at those stores, for almost a year now, I get no heat at all, and they know darned well I'm a counter. A PC at the 'woods walked up to a dealer once and told him not to let me play 4(!) hands, because I'm a counter. They simply do not care about anything less than black chip action or sophisticated team play. But I do throw them a little VP action, and once in a blue moon sit down at a Spanish 21 or Three Card poker table. I would not recommend giving your card to a slot player. First of all it's not fair to the slot player because he doesn't get his comps then, and secondly surveillance knows where you are at all times, and if they look down at the slot with your card in it and see you're not the one playing it might raise suspicions of team play and turn on the heat. Just do what you've been doing and you should be just fine.