I have decided to broaden my horizons and try some new casino games outside of baccarat, and blackjack. I came across this site beatcasinocraps.com, has anybody has any experience with this system? The seller says that it is built around a safe and simple bet. The price does not look too bad and I am considering buying it, but I want to know if anybody has had any sort of experience with it before I do so. I contacted him and he said that he has a unique way of viewing the craps table which allows the bet to work. If I can get into the casino, make a couple of units and get out on a consistent basis then i would be more than happy. Maybe I can do that with this system? I think that a simple and safe system would allow me to do that. Are there any reviews on this system? I know a lot of system sellers are con-artists but maybe this guy is not????????