Critical Information Not For Public Knowledge


It is only common sense that certain critical data should not be posted on a public message board and only shared privately. Rough generalizations in themselves can theoretically be enough to "get casinos nervous" and cause casino countermeasures to change or increase based on paranoia and not any particularly rational financial reasons. We have all seen the game go downhill over the years because of casinos going on a "witchhunt" and change rules to the extent of being ridiculous.

Consider the amount of money needed to install "mindplay" and "rfid" chips and "iplay" and CSM's and ASM's and everything else--Off the chart money in hopes of singling out a very small group of individuals that are really of no great consequence to their built in house advantage and have little effect on their botton line due to the volume of business and the fact that 99% of blackjack players in general have no clue what they are doing. The sorry truth is that casinos don't want ANYONE to win...EVER! Not ten cents! It's the principal of the thing, you know... Matter of fact they will spend a million to prevent the possibility that a few poor souls MIGHT be able to score and win a few thousand over and above the rest of "the herd" that loses. They shoot themselves in the foot financially in doing this but---They don't care and it's the principal of the thing!!!!

To go into any details of very specific situations, locations or action anyplace that favors the player is fool have to assume that casino people read this site as avidly as any of us and perhaps even MORE avidly than us! That World War 2 saying about,"Loose lips sinks ships" holds true.
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mjbballar23 said:
Is this post in response to something in particular?
I think maybe its in response to my suggestion that RFID chip tracking/counting monitor systems can be knocked out with an...

All three components when combined can ID a counter and his/her skill level. It also knocks out COMP-counting and other BJ AP tactics.
The simple way around it is to deploy an RFID ZAPPER on the chips, some of them, and then limit your play so they don't connect you to the neutralized chips. zg

Originally Posted by Mr. T
The latest RFID system can catch card counters automaticcaly as well as telling the casino your house advantage when playing BJ. (Archive copy)
One way to trick the system is to use a powerful electro-magnet or microwave device, in your room, to neutralize some of the RFIDs and render them invisible to the system. Then you could use mostly neutralized chips during +counts. zg
Here's an RFID-ZAPPER made from a cheap camera -

WEAPONS: The RFID zapper
Radio frequency IDs (RFIDs), small electronic chips that share information when scanned, are rapidly becoming an essential part of global supply management. In order to correctly route and track items from inception to purchase, these chips are attached to packaging and increasingly the products themselves.
The intentional disabling of these chips can cause supply chain disruption. The best method is to HERF (high energy radio frequency, usually microwaves) the chips using a small transmitter (read about high power home made microwave weapons for herfing). The German branch (privacy activists) of the global guerrilla innovation networkhas developed a simple solution (Archive copy) that converts a standard film camera into a short range RFID zapper.



Well-Known Member
all that's needed is some article about how they cause cancer and it's done.
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Bug Zapper

Zen, in your infinite ability to throw in some jest to any given situation you pointed out very specifically the IDEAL sort of things worth posting on the public message board are. Casino functions and why they do them, public awareness of their insidious little tactics, such as gouging people on the 6 to 5 single deck and all Harrah's casino's new little slammo with the hit soft 17 to wrangle an extra 1/5 of a percentage point out of the public at large. Hopefully by putting these things out there to an otherwise unsuspecting public, it will dissuade them from playing these games and ALL THE BETTER that casino execs see such posts! If the general public is more aware of poor games then the less they will be played and competition will kick in.

Competition in the gaming industry is always increasing and the prospect of competition offering better games and public awareness that these better quality games exist is the only thing that will keep greedy corporate entities such as all Harrah's owned casinos in Atlantic City from making or adding MORE jackass rules to increase their advantage another notch. Will the loss of business outweigh the gouging out of that extra 1/5 of a percentage point and cost them in the long run? I'm not sure but I hope so.

Should you ever get Atlantic City, look me up! (The only problem is that you are likely easily picked out by the "eye in the sky" so you will have to dress in drag or perhaps wear a set of those Groucho Marx glasses or something to avoid us getting the "half-shoe treatment" everywhere). Simply adjust your wig, mascara and make up to look your best and we'll have some lunch and play some cards!