CV Data question


Well-Known Member
I am trying to sim an insurance sidebet (rule is you can insure any card from 7 - A against the hole card being a 10 or face).

Would appreciate any advice about how to set this up - have not managed to do so yet ....




Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
I am trying to sim an insurance sidebet (rule is you can insure any card from 7 - A against the hole card being a 10 or face)

Would appreciate any advice about how to set this up - have not managed to do so yet ....


Hmm. Easy enough to sim a bet that the hole-card is a ten or face. Question is, how do you set it to bet only when there is an upcard of 7-A? This should work:

Set Side bet 1 to bet 1 unit all other side bets bet 0 units.
Side Bets 1-5. Always pay it back if the dealer upcard is 2-6. This would nullify the bet if the card is not 7-A.
Side Bets 6-10. Pay the bonus if the upcard is 7-A and the downcard is any ten.

Set "Side bets are merged."

Once the sim determines the TC needed for the side bet to be profitable, you can set Side Bet 1 to only bet at that count.

I think I'll add a feature to allow Upcard>= or <= to make this easier in future.


Well-Known Member
So you mean Side Bet 1, I define as a 1.0 bet, with a zero payoff.

Then side bets 2-6 I define as 0 bet, with a 1.0 payoff for 2/3/4/5/6-any
to return the "phantom bet".

And for 7-10 0 bet, but with a 2.0 payoff for 7/8/9/X-X.

Is that correct ?

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Well-Known Member
Set Side bet 1 to bet 1 unit and all others to bet 0.
Side Bets 1-5. Dealer upcard is 2-6. Any downcard. Pay 1:1.
Side Bets 6-10. Pay the bonus if the upcard is 7-A and the downcard is X.


Well-Known Member
For a bonus, yes. For a side bet, there is an extra bet. Look in the library for sample side bets.


Well-Known Member
This doesn't really make sense. If I set side bet one to bet 1 unit and side bets merged, the side bets option disappears for all side bets above 1 in any case.

If any of the 2-6 side bets win then you get an even money payoff -
but you should be getting a push, not a payoff.

Perhaps Side bet 1 that hole card is an X, paying 2:1
and then Side bets 2-6 that would pay -2:1 for dealer upcards of 2 - 6.

Does that make sense ?
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Well-Known Member
You have a side bet of 1. But you can't make the side bet when the upcard is 2-6. So, you have upcards of 2-6 pay back the unit. This nullifies the bet for 2-6, as if it didn't occur. That's a push.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
You have a side bet of 1. But you can't make the side bet when the upcard is 2-6. So, you have upcards of 2-6 pay back the unit. This nullifies the bet for 2-6, as if it didn't occur. That's a push.
This is the part I am still having a problem with.

Side bet 1 means that I will always bet 1 unit, only. Merging the side bets means that I get a payoff for any of the merged side bets, still at the cost of my original 1 unit bet.

Setting the payoff at 1:1 (upcard 2-6) will give me a win. My cost is the original 1 unit bet, and at a 1:1 payoff I will receive 2 units back.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, you're right. Set the payoff to 0 for upcards of 2-6. Also, make sure you set DD and splits count and the First two cards options.


Well-Known Member
Not going well

Well... we have a problem here.

I began by defining 10 side bets: side bet 1 was upcard 2 and any downcard, payoff 0:1 - did the same for all upcards. This worked as it should, giving me a zero (no win/loss) result.

1. I then set the A sidebet to upcard A downcard X payoff 2.0:
this gave a more or less as expected result (although total win should have mirrored insurance which it did not - about 10% off)

2. If I try to do the same with any other upcard (eg 9) I get negative EV - whearas the results should be identical to the A sidebet.

Any ideas ?



Well-Known Member
Set 2 through 6 to 0:0 payoff,and upcard. 7 through ace 2:0 payoff, X upcard.

You should get a negative EV. Now look at where the EV turns positive on the Custom Bonuses screen, set the TC to that count in Side Bet 1, and you should get a positive EV. Just tried it and it looks OK.


Well-Known Member
Still no

Not working.

Initially I ran this using UB10 with side bet starting at RC>0.
(just be clear - I had placed all 2-6 payoffs as 0:0. my typo from before). EV positive only at RC ~ 11, which is not right (yes, I have included the starting count).

Just to check I now ran this using HiLo, and the custom side bets are negative up to TC=+6, which is off by 3 or so - should be the same index as for insurance.

I have been through this a dozen times but cannot find any misconfigurations...


Well-Known Member
I'm getting the right TC for HiLo. From the menu, select Tools then Export and send me the file.


Well-Known Member
CV Data Bonuses

working now.

Another question - are the AJ bonuses cumulative ? (AJ black and AJ suited, for example)

I need to sim AJ pays 2:1 and AJ black suited pays 3:1
- AJ pays 2:1 is simple enough, 5:10 bonus.
- For AJ black suited (ie AcJc or AsJs) I guess I can approximate with either a double bonus on AJ Spades (30:10), or half the bonus on AJ suited (7:15). I just need to know whether the additional 5:10 from AJ will be added on to this or not.




Well-Known Member
Bonuses on the Payoffs page are always cumulative

Bonuses on the Custom Bonuses page are cumulative if the additive option is selected.