CVCX question


Well-Known Member
When I was trying to compare SCOREs for an old sim and a newer sim with more indexes and an additional x10 rounds, I noticed that my newer sim had a lower SCORE. However, looking at the individual counts shows that my new sim has a higher advantage. I think that it has to do with the highest count showing. Any ideas? (Lower sim is the newer one)


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Well-Known Member
PrinceDragon said:
SD/Hr is lower in your new sim
As Don.S said:NO FLUX,NO BUCKS ;)
Hope it helps

So... by adding more indexes and increasing my advantage, I made things worse for myself? That doesn't seem to make sense.


Well-Known Member
In your new sim:Adv is higher,SD/Hr and ROR are lower,which is good,those things reduce Flux.
But personally,WR/SCORE/ROR are the most important.

BJA3 page 28:Moral of the story:Quote win rates,not edges and spreads.;)



Well-Known Member
I think I got it figured out. Turning off the Departure Adjustment makes the newer sim have a higher SCORE. So the SCOREs were for if I stayed until -3 and -1 for the newer and older sim, respectively. Thanks for trying though PD


Well-Known Member
Departure Adjustment

SleightOfHand said:
I think I got it figured out. Turning off the Departure Adjustment makes the newer sim have a higher SCORE. So the SCOREs were for if I stayed until -3 and -1 for the newer and older sim, respectively. Thanks for trying though PD
That's the only feature on CVCX i had no idea whatsoever,at first i thought it was the ODP,but it doesn't make sense.
Norm tried to explain that option on this site,but i still didn't get it.:confused::laugh: maybe it's just me though.
