Dbl-down 11 vs. A in shoe game?


Well-Known Member
I'm having a little trouble with knowing this one.
In a 6 - 8 deck shoe, should you double-down or HIT an 11 vs. an A.

I think it goes like this, but I'm not sure...
Double down if the dealer HITS soft 17
Hit if dealer STANDS on soft 17.

Any tricks to remembering how to play this one?
I know this particular combo should not come up that often, but I saw it plenty on my recent first trip to Vegas. Just want to be sure how to play it.

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You've got it right, for a Basic Strategy play. The reason is that when the dealer shows an ace he will bust slightly more frequently in an H17 game, because if he gets a soft 17 he has to hit, he will sometimes get a 5 through 9, and then he has to hit a stiff.


Well-Known Member
If the dealer statistically busts more when he hits Soft 17, then wouldn't that rule be favorable to the player over S17?


Well-Known Member
Definately not

Dyepaintball12 said:
If the dealer statistically busts more when he hits Soft 17, then wouldn't that rule be favorable to the player over S17?
Though the dealer will bust slightly more, there will be many more times where he hits soft 17 and makes an 18-21 which would never happen in the stay 17 game.



ZMan said:
I'm having a little trouble with knowing this one.
In a 6 - 8 deck shoe, should you double-down or stand with an 11 vs. an A.

I think it goes like this, but I'm not sure...
Double down if the dealer HITS soft 17
Hit if dealer STANDS on soft 17.

Any tricks to remembering how to play this one?
I know this particular combo should not come up that often, but I saw it plenty on my recent first trip to Vegas. Just want to be sure how to play it.

My advice would be to hit an 11 versus a dealer up card of an Ace. this is because a dealer only busts 21% of the time he shows an ace as his up card. you are almost 80% likely to face a winning hand, so not only do you not want more money on the table in this negative situation, but in the event that you are dealt a low card you would like the option of hitting again.


Well-Known Member
josh3623 said:
My advice would be to hit an 11 versus a dealer up card of an Ace. this is because a dealer only busts 21% of the time he shows an ace as his up card. you are almost 80% likely to face a winning hand, so not only do you not want more money on the table in this negative situation, but in the event that you are dealt a low card you would like the option of hitting again.
that would be going against basic strategy for the hit soft17 game which would translate into losing money in the long run.
best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
You can never stand on an eleven!

ZMan said:
I'm having a little trouble with knowing this one.
In a 6 - 8 deck shoe, should you double-down or stand with an 11 vs. an A.
You cannot bust an 11. You always hit or double your eleven.
As you asked... you should never "stand".


Well-Known Member
rdorange - You are sharp!

In my first sentence, I did ask double down or stand.
I meant double down or hit, as I explained in the next couple of sentences.

Of course, as you pointed out, you would NEVER stand on 11.

I've gotten my answer now - as I presumed.
You do double if the dealer hits soft 17, otherwise you hit.

I'll correct my original question for clarity, if I'm allowed to edit in here.


In a high count situation I would double

sagefr0g said:
that would be going against basic strategy for the hit soft17 game which would translate into losing money in the long run.
best regards,
mr fr0g :D
Of course if the count is high you always double on an 11, but in a situation where the cards are balanced?
are you sure about that mr fr0g, that surprises me? The games up here in WA are all dealer must hit soft 17s, and I have had bad luck doubling an 11 against an ace. An ace is almost sure not to bust, that means it is gonna be a pat hand, close to 80% of the time, whereas a 11 with a one card draw will only make a pat hand around 65% of the time, whatever the chart says, it sounds to me like bad advice...But I know it gets more complicated then all that...hmm
what a dilemma.


New Member
I am a newbie player but I tried this double on 11 many times when I play online. Regardless of what the dealer has, be it an ace or K, Q, J or a 10, I managed to win much of the time. When my cards reads 10 to 13, you can bet I always double.

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Well-Known Member
josh3623 said:
Of course if the count is high you always double on an 11, but in a situation where the cards are balanced?
are you sure about that mr fr0g, that surprises me? The games up here in WA are all dealer must hit soft 17s, and I have had bad luck doubling an 11 against an ace. An ace is almost sure not to bust, that means it is gonna be a pat hand, close to 80% of the time, whereas a 11 with a one card draw will only make a pat hand around 65% of the time, whatever the chart says, it sounds to me like bad advice...But I know it gets more complicated then all that...hmm
what a dilemma.
There really isn't a dilemma, just follow BS unless the count tells you to deviate! Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
josh3623 said:
Of course if the count is high you always double on an 11, but in a situation where the cards are balanced?
are you sure about that mr fr0g, that surprises me? The games up here in WA are all dealer must hit soft 17s, and I have had bad luck doubling an 11 against an ace. An ace is almost sure not to bust, that means it is gonna be a pat hand, close to 80% of the time, whereas a 11 with a one card draw will only make a pat hand around 65% of the time, whatever the chart says, it sounds to me like bad advice...But I know it gets more complicated then all that...hmm
what a dilemma.
yes sir double 11vsA for H17 six deck shoe game thats what the chart in Professional Blackjack says and other sources such as this sites basic strategy engien.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
11 vs an ace!!!

On your 6-8 deck shoe in playing blackjack as a business it says to hit on the shoe game. It says that you should double an 11 vs an Ace on a single deck game. The reason is after you remove the 3 cards from 52 on single deck there are a lot more tens in proportion to the rest of the cards. On a shoe there aren't as many 10's after removing the 3 cards from the deck!!! When the dealer has an ace up he will only break 12% of the time!!!