DD in Vegas?


Well-Known Member
Going to Vegas in May and was wondering where, other than Escortez are good DD games $10-$80 spread? I would consider renting a car and driving a little,(not more than an hour or so) for good DD or SD.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shadroch, do you mean all station casinos or the one west of south strip on Sahara drive? Also could a guy camp out at these places? I'm going to be there for 5 nights and would like to stick to DD but with only 3 choices looks like some marathon sessions for me. I can play all the 6D I want at home with great pen and zero cover and zero heat. This is why I want to stick to DD.


Well-Known Member
Tom007 said:
I can play all the 6D I want at home with great pen and zero cover and zero heat.
Then why leave? Seriously, if you can get <1 deck cut off on a shoe game, it can be better than the mediocre DD games with like 50% penetration. And no head probably is worth something, too.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Then why leave? Seriously, if you can get <1 deck cut off on a shoe game, it can be better than the mediocre DD games with like 50% penetration. And no head probably is worth something, too.
I can only average about 4-6 hours a week at home because I have to work and family time. In Vegas for 5 nights I will get about 60 hrs of play in.

I am also going there to catch UFC 84 (Ultimate Fighting Championship)


Well-Known Member
Tom007 said:
Thanks Shadroch, do you mean all station casinos or the one west of south strip on Sahara drive? Also could a guy camp out at these places? I'm going to be there for 5 nights and would like to stick to DD but with only 3 choices looks like some marathon sessions for me. I can play all the 6D I want at home with great pen and zero cover and zero heat. This is why I want to stick to DD.
station casinos are pretty big in general, the rules are roughly the same at all the places. pick one and if you like it, stay. i don't think you'll be noticed, though use your 10-80 spread carefully and while no one is watching.

i'd spread 20-80 and use dimes in negative counts. but in a poorly dealt DD game, you will have very few $80 bets out using a 10-80 spread, so you might make out ok....


Well-Known Member

Get the CBJN report and you will have plenty of choices. Instead of 1 x 80, try 2 x $40.